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Old 30-07-2018, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by kenzo View Post
What is the average/median salary of a computer science fresh graduate from NUS/NTU nowadays?

What is a fair amount of annual bonus?

is it reasonable to expect 5000 per month base salary?
As an employer myself, I value graduates who are better skilled and have decent knowledge with the latest tools and tech stack out now. While interviewing some of the fresh graduate candidates, some could not even tell me the difference between the OSI model and the TCP/IP model (thought this was taught in the syllabus?!). Then when it came to programming skills, most knew how to code in C but had never compiled a Linux kernel from source (is Arduino all they teach in schools these days?) I'm amazed.

Anyway, back to your question, I think 5k is reasonable but of course, you have to let us employers know why you deserve it (not just because you graduated from computer science).

s/n: if you're just comfortable with some basic html/css/javascript programming, I strongly suggest you to relook at your career

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