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  #1060 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2018, 10:21 PM
Posts: n/a


when you work in big AM, other than the sound local compliance knowledge you should already have (which i commented above you should try and get as much in your current job as possible), you will now be dealing in global regs and policies.

for example fatca, crs, mifid, gdpr, form adv (US SEC), being part of global aml/sanction/code of ethics/etc committee. also certain aspects of hk/tw/SEA/australia/etc regulations (of course you not expected to know everything / usually you may have external counsel to help / and its pick up along the way kind of stuff). basically alot of stuff to keep learning and doing. the specifics, however, really depend on your company and team setup.

after you gain such local and regional exposure.
generally you have to ask yourself if u want to specialize in local or regional compliance.
personally i feel local is more fun
get to interact with business, decide on grey areas, and help drive the business

regional is alot of coordination work without getting too hands on in local jurisdiction matter

pay will take care of itself if you naturally show passion and aptitude and if you are willing and able.

if for what ever reason after your company cant pay you market rate after a certain point in time (dont grumble, because there's many factors why a company may not be able to pay you even though it wishes to), with the above experience, generally, another AM will be happy to take you in and pay you the market rate.

there are many AM compliance specialists recruiter on linkedin
go look for them to understand pay and prospect
they are more than happy to help

lastly, in 10 yrs u must aim to be head of compliance
else you are at higher risk of retrenchment when you reach 40s.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I typed a long response to this last night but seems it didn't get posted.

I will re-post it tonight.
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