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  #213 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2018, 09:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm interested too! Read somewhere that risk analysis are kinda transferable across commod industries, but would like to know more about the pay and bonus too! Does anyone know?
I started out in risk and still am today. Worked at physical shops always, and have moved across product lines. Agri, metals, energy. Skillsets for risk, control principles are essentially similar across products wherever you go. Differences will lie in how products are traded, priced, valued etc. Possible to pick all this up as you move, but question is whether you will be willing to move across sectors. Oil always has a glossier sheen, pays higher, more sophisticated risk management.. Vs the other products. But life in risk id pretty decent for me. My hours generally fixed, and if working for big trading houses with round the clock silent running, there is no need for me to be up at night. Stress levels are manageable since i dont have a Pnl. Compensation wise it has been quite decent. Started out lower than the civil servants/ big Mnc fresh grads, but depending on how you perform and how you strategize your moves, you can earn a very comfortable range (average VP in a bank) once you accumulate enough years under the belt. Senior analyst levels can go up into 5 figures for the really good ones. Bonuses were fabulous during the run up in oil price years. You cannot compare this to the front office, but if you are someone who doesnt want the pnl stress and high strung hectic lifestyle (traders travel and entertain frequently) , risk is a very good alternative. And stability is better, even in downturns.

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