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02-09-2017 10:42 PM
i_stinks Most degree job 3k+ ma so I didn't think when I was asked. Plus I didn't get in to any of those Bank GA/MA programmes so I didn't expect much. I liked that the company tested me directly over screen-sharing than to ask about my grades and stuffs.

Thanks for the advice. I think I am quite old actually, didn't go the normal route in education.
02-09-2017 10:24 PM
Unregistered Not sure how you told them 3+k is enough over the phone - but maybe you can try asking for a 4+k package to cover cpf, medical, etc.

The danger zone part - every company is different - talk to your professor about the opportunity and also do ur own research - the forum can only offer general advice as we have no context. As an adult, there are times you have to make your own judgment and take risks. Nothing is certain or guaranteed - part and parcel of growing up. You are still young and can afford the risks. If you decide to go into it, give yourself 12-18 months, if it does not work out, then move on.

Good luck!
02-09-2017 08:45 PM
i_stinks low 4k range with stock options if still there after a year. Told them 3k+ would be enough during the interview (Did I make a mistake?)

company size 40+ people (heard 40+ is danger zone where many startups fall). I don't consider it a pure tech startup but their main component requires tech and is a continuation of the founder computer science phd work. About 20 are engineers.

I believe it is a rather core component I will help out in but talking to the founder he was saying like things will shift around as necessary and I will get a wide range of experiences. So I'm not sure.
02-09-2017 08:05 PM
Unregistered You have not elaborated on the job offer - what's the job scope, package, etc. If it's a tech start up, are you helping with a core development project of the start up?

If the job scope, package, etc is good, I don't see why you shouldn't take the leap and give it 1-2 years, assuming you are going to get paid for your work. Working in an office 9-5pm is not that appealing in reality - I assume you will be allowed to work from home with flexible hours - this is something a lot of people would jump for nowadays.

Moreover, a lot of times, it's about the work you have done and the skills you have picked up in your job and of course, how you package those experiences and skills gained in your application for the next job.

Assuming the offer is good or comparable, I will pick this remote job over the humdrum of the non-rotational developer (cog in a large organisation) job.
31-08-2017 03:10 PM
Remote US job good?

After getting rejected after interview or not getting called up for all the whatever banks tech management/graduate associate programmes. I am kind of going to settle for a normal, non-rotational 3 to 3.5k developer job until recently when an ex-professor contacted me on a few years old US tech startup opportunity. His friend asked him for recommendations and he referred me as his 1st choice to them.

So I went for few rounds of interviews with the engineers & 1 of the founder and got an offer. However it is a remote working job. The pay is great to me, the founders have top paper credentials too with Phds from MIT/Stanford, so are some of the engineers. But will I miss out much working remotely after graduation? Socially and other stuffs?

Is it worth it to at least give this opportunity a year or 2 for my career even if I'm not exactly confident if remote working will work on me? I don't have a great GPA to be honest as I usually rather spend my time self-learning tech stuffs than focus on studying for exams. Something I kind of regretted as I struggle in my job search earlier. This opportunity felt like a surprise.

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