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Topic Review (Newest First)
28-05-2009 11:58 PM
Charles Lau--

Yes, Adam makes money in almost everywhere. I just find him really smart in working with business.

He leverages on a young guy to do Internet marketing for him. He co-authored in many books with people who may be able to provide values to the world. He invests in real estates. And for himself, he focuses on teaching.

No, I don't know Adam at all and has no association with him. But he's been paying enough money in the media to interrupt me for my attention. Bought a few of his books, and find his books really enriching. Good value out there!
13-05-2009 12:06 PM

Adam Khoo has co-authored books on trading stocks - covering technical analysis and short-term trading - he himself seems to be a medium to long-term value investor in blue chips and property.

Who would want to spend their life watching stock tickers when it is far easier to make $2000 per hour giving motivational talks and using that high income to buy in heavily into good investment grade blue chips assets (during financial crisis like now ) for dividends income.

Which is better? Sleep and grow rich collecting dividends and feel more passionate giving motivational talks or spend your life watching stock tickers and ended up losing all.
31-03-2009 12:52 AM

I dun think many people know that Adam started his training company only after he earned his million at 26... He is 36 now. His company started in 2002.
26-02-2009 04:36 PM

Interesting article about another motivational financial "expert" Mr Kiyosaki aka Rich Dad.
25-02-2009 08:50 PM
To lucky--

Not all SMEs operate in the same field or business models. So this should be a caveat.
25-02-2009 08:49 PM
To lucky--

Adam Khoo made $$$ from his motivational seminars, more so than his books.

As an SME, he made $$$ from large corporations. I personally know friends who are staff of GLCs like ST who were sent by their companies to attend his talks. He charges $2000+ per person for the seminars/courses.
25-02-2009 01:05 PM

I totally agree with adiemuso on those get rich quick schemes.

I have a rich friend who sells a particular item that is considered exclusive compared to other similar items on ebay, which enables him to turn a healthy 5 figures income and the profit margin is 80%.

The reason why it is exclusive is because he needs to personally go to some country to buy that items.

No person in the right mind, including him, is going to tell anyone unrelated to him what is the item and where to buy it from and the profits for the past 4 years so that you can buy the same items from the same supplier and reduces his profits by half.

This is like the famous Adwords which is first introduces by a person called Chirs Carpenter, he did not tell any lies when he started selling the ebook on make money online using Google Adwords and Clickbank. It is just that when every Tom, Dick and Harry do the same things, you are not going to make any substantial profits.

It is the basic law of economics, just type any popular keywords on Google and look at the amount of competition there.

Of course, the reason why Chirs Carpenter so called leaked out the secrets is because if he did not, someone who discovered it is going to do so and become a leading authority.
25-02-2009 09:36 AM

Thanks for your feedback.
From my personal observations, the readers here are generally more discerning than the general public.
May I know which info / recommendations need more ethical editing? You are most welcome to refute them.
You are also welcome to contribute articles. I'd be happy to consider posting them to the main page.
25-02-2009 09:17 AM

im appalled by the acute lack of ethical editing here...try not to mislead vulnerable people to take on unneccessary risks. please we have enough sad stories going around.
25-02-2009 09:16 AM

too many get rich schemes out there. there are no free lunches. a secret divulged is no longer a secret. a trick to make money should never be made known to all as well. selling options get u premiums, does it work? going for 1bp/tick gets u fast money, but do you always be on the correct side? law of law numbers, 50/50, end of day u break even provided your wins n losses equates. so how true is it?
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