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15-07-2018 04:04 PM

I shared same sentiments, I was retrenched after 20yrs of service for a prominent company. I started from scratch, now after unsuccessful PIP, they took medical as a chance after I fell down a few times while working. I was put to office work for 2 yrs, then my position became redundant as they engaged Managing agent to run the dept.
I have hard time getting a job due to my disability and age. I didn't pursue because I have learned to forgive so that I can remain healthy to witness true victory. Due to my disability, I did my NS
and my reservist training (13yr cycle). Those earlier days, medical science could not detect my disability.
My encouragement to you is stay Focus, forgive and do your best look for job. Move on, in due time these 'people' will be justly rewarded.
24-09-2015 11:33 PM
mugenboy So the end result is do not commit on the PIP since the outcome is the same. The employer would always have the upper hand in which to determine to the employee to be retain or be terminated.
27-07-2012 02:26 AM
icy water
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This PIP thing sounds so familiar. I also kena-ed this at my previous company.
In my case, I was just with the company for about 1.5 years and my first appraisal (half year after joining) was excellent and I was given a rather good increment and bonus even though I wasn't even eligible for bonus/increment. But fast forward to 1 year later, suddenly, during year-end performance review they told me I was not performing. First reaction is of course, anger. Was in a room with my direct manager and dept head and so I didnt even bother to look at my direct manager. Instead I looked at the dept head and asked her, if there really was an issue with my performance, why wasnt this highlighted to me by my manager during our weekly 1-1 meetings? My manager just kept silent. After the dept head left the room, my manager's remark to me shocked me, she said "I am not even sure if you will still come to work tomorrow after this conversation". OMG what a stupid remark from here right? Even though I was sad and affected, but the work still needs to be done and I will continue to deliver my work in a professional manner, despite the most ridiculous and unexplanable comversation that just happened.

Anyway it didnt take me long to decide I did not want to work for such ridiculous and unprofessional people. I did not like the company culture in the first place. It's a local company and all along I worked for big foreign names. And after the rather unexplainable and puzzling year-end review, I decided to job hunt. The final straw came when 2 months after the year end review, it was bonus payout time and they did not give me a single cent of increment or bonus. And then my manager told me that they will start me on the PIP soon. Obviously I refused to start on this programme, for it will be a way for them to say I did not meet their standards after 3 months, and it will tarnish my record. So I job hunted really hard and resigned soon after.

My advice: do not start on the program if you can. Walk away with your head held high and remember, there are plenty of other jobs out there, and may you find a new job quickly. Good luck!
thanks for the advice! i think it sounded like your manager making you the scapegoat for some issues that she did not handle well. politics problem i guess.
27-07-2012 12:51 AM
Unregistered My personal view is that, if you start on the PIP and if they say your performance is not on par, they can tell you to leave the company. It's equivalent to being asked to go.
Versus, resigning on your own accord (even if it is due to poor appraisal), it is done out of employee free will. And in the HR record, there isnt an "official" record of you being "managed" on your performance.
Even though you are right to say the end result is the same (i.e. eventually leave the company), one is done out of free will, the other is being asked to leave the company. Quite a big deal of difference to me.
27-07-2012 12:38 AM
Unregistered Does it matter whether or not you started on the PIP? The end result is still the same, isnt it? And why would starting on PIP tarnish your record any more than your poor appraisal and your subsequent resignation as a result of it?
27-07-2012 12:31 AM
Unregistered This PIP thing sounds so familiar. I also kena-ed this at my previous company.
In my case, I was just with the company for about 1.5 years and my first appraisal (half year after joining) was excellent and I was given a rather good increment and bonus even though I wasn't even eligible for bonus/increment. But fast forward to 1 year later, suddenly, during year-end performance review they told me I was not performing. First reaction is of course, anger. Was in a room with my direct manager and dept head and so I didnt even bother to look at my direct manager. Instead I looked at the dept head and asked her, if there really was an issue with my performance, why wasnt this highlighted to me by my manager during our weekly 1-1 meetings? My manager just kept silent. After the dept head left the room, my manager's remark to me shocked me, she said "I am not even sure if you will still come to work tomorrow after this conversation". OMG what a stupid remark from here right? Even though I was sad and affected, but the work still needs to be done and I will continue to deliver my work in a professional manner, despite the most ridiculous and unexplanable comversation that just happened.

Anyway it didnt take me long to decide I did not want to work for such ridiculous and unprofessional people. I did not like the company culture in the first place. It's a local company and all along I worked for big foreign names. And after the rather unexplainable and puzzling year-end review, I decided to job hunt. The final straw came when 2 months after the year end review, it was bonus payout time and they did not give me a single cent of increment or bonus. And then my manager told me that they will start me on the PIP soon. Obviously I refused to start on this programme, for it will be a way for them to say I did not meet their standards after 3 months, and it will tarnish my record. So I job hunted really hard and resigned soon after.

My advice: do not start on the program if you can. Walk away with your head held high and remember, there are plenty of other jobs out there, and may you find a new job quickly. Good luck!
25-07-2012 11:04 PM
davidtanwei Sometimes work too long is also danger. You are expect to upgrade and move higher position or at least higher responsibility.
Staying and doing same thing over the years and with some contributions mean
nothing to them. The reason is they expected that kind of performance. They want to see another type of peformance. Sickk world or human being
24-07-2012 05:58 PM
Unregistered Good advice. Thumbs up!

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I know perfectly what you are trying to say, and it is a rather common story I have heard many times.

Base on my observations, most bosses do not like to criticize their subordinates directly. They may be secretly unhappy with your performance or received complaints about you, but choose to stick with the lousy but bearable known than risk firing & getting an unknown replacement. This can go on for years until pressure from the top comes to manage out poor performers. As a result many people have false impression they were doing well and expressed shock & anger when the chop comes.

As for your “promotion”, it is quite hard for me to judge as many companies practice “title promotion”, i.e. employees are promoted in their titles regardless of their performance but behind the scenes HR retains their record as unpromoted. This is done by HR to market the message to employees that the company values “talent” and provides a lot of “opportunities”.

I’m not saying that you definitely belong to the 2/3 something-wrong-but-not-willing-to-admit category. You could be genuinely saboed by company, but just providing another angle of possibility you may want to consider.

I would suggest you go on a 2 approaches. Firstly, invest more time to find out if the concerns cited in your PIP are valid. Do not dismiss them as a conspiracy to sack you just based on the fact that your boss has never scolded you or you picked up some promotions along the way. If there are genuine concerns, you might still address them.

Secondly, start looking out by posting your CV on the common job portals & recruit agencies. I am assuming you are at a junior level, so most of the agencies you find on newspapers like Robert Walter, Michael Page, Kelly etc should be fine. Just state that you have been around many years in current co. and would like to broaden your horizon by seeing if there are good opp in the market. Do not cite things like PIP or your allegation of management tactics to manage you out, agents will not empathize with you and might even have reservations on presenting you to the client because of perceived negativity.
24-07-2012 04:56 PM
kljx thank you all, especially the recuiter. your post definitely enlighten me...this is a realistic world I suppose!

I will work on it and move on!
24-07-2012 04:29 PM
poor and stupid good post, but a few flaws...

1) bosses will never think you have good performance, unless you are in sales then they may fear threatened.

2) even if they dun like you, but choose to keep you, you should be deserved payouts as you proofed to be a better choice than immediately hiring an unknown at that or any point of time

3) pip,pep,ep,etc... are always as cheap way to get you to leave. Btw, you cant do anything about it anyway. song boh!
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