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18-09-2022 10:35 PM
Unregistered preferrably to have quite a few months of savings to burn thru.
depends on your age and experience, its can be quite a rough ride, might be months before u get an interview depending on your skills / age and cert. usually younger more opport, when u are 40ish it can be difficult / long time between interviews
16-09-2022 04:46 PM
Unregistered Got enough savings then just quit lah. Life is too short to stay in toxic job. Not enough savings then lan lan suck thumb and continue
15-09-2022 01:22 AM
Unregistered I quit my job and went on a one month long holiday before finding another job. That was a few years ago in my early twenties. I’d say it’s once in a lifetime so very worth it!

Originally Posted by Blueberry View Post
Anyone done this or really have to secure another job first ? I really feel like quitting my 'nothing to do' job and take a rest before securing another job.My stress come from nothing to do at work and the boss unwilling to let me take on more duties.

And then came the new office manager whom the boss give authority to micro manage and let the office manager do what she think is correct. Means like most SOP of my office is changing to her ways. Next the company going to shift office and everything including the wifi has to change. My company is a small sole proprietor company with less than 10 staff me being doing the admin side. I worked in this company coming 3 years and just because this new staff is of a managerial role, the boss think that/or the office manager thinks that she should not ask me how things run in the office, instead turn to ask the other ppl about admin stuff which they don't do. This kind of discrimination/bullying is also bothering me. In the end, have to change the usual practice to the new office manager's ways.

Really tired.
13-09-2022 09:18 AM
Unregistered If afraid of not being able to secure job after quitting, can always go part time for the time being. Not much requirements needed
12-09-2022 08:35 PM
Unregistered I resigned a few times without securing another job first.
However, I knew how many months I could stay afloat without having to worry much.
Fortunately, I was always offered better salary for the next job, even though I was jobless with lesser power for salary negotiation.
Importantly, you must know your value in the job market and able to stay afloat for months and must not to feel depressed if cannot find another similar job you wanted immediately. Or you must be very flexible to change field and adaptable to do another type of job, there are still many jobs available in Singapore.
If you are not prepared for the points I mentioned, do not leave your job.
12-09-2022 06:08 PM
Unregistered I resigned a few times without securing another job first.
However, I knew how many months I could stay afloat without having to worry much.
Fortunately, I was always offered better salary for the next job, even though I was jobless with lesser power for salary negotiation.
Importantly, you must know your value in the job market and able to stay afloat for months and must not to feel depressed if cannot find another similar job you wanted immediately. Or you must be very flexible to change field and adaptable to do another type of job, there are still many jobs available in Singapore.
If you are not prepared for the points I mentioned, do not leave your job.
12-09-2022 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Blueberry View Post
Yea, I am stupid and foolish. Many times sabo myself unknowingly. Cos there are times when I really feel low. I just flare up just now at my that new manager when she came to me ask qn just to prove she is right and I am wrong. The first thing that come to my mind is 'Work conflict' and if I want to resign, that is my reason. But yea, I also need the salary for my TGIFs. Been thinking very long these days and even more so ever since this new manager start changing the way to do things in my office like she owns the office. Even my boss support her because HE CAN'T BE BOTHERED. Frankly speaking, this is the first time I encounter such person. Even if there are bitches in other places, not like this kind of scenario.

Even my spous doesn't object to my resigning.The thing that is holding me up is I am scared I can't land another job until xx months later.
I would say go ahead and resign. However, you mentioned about your spouse and doesnt object to you resigning, which i say kudos to you for letting your spouse know about it. You also have 3 years of experience of being in an admin role. If you are not too picky about a new job, i would say chances are you will get hired.

Another thing, if you are not facing any financial difficulties, you can apply for new jobs asap and send in your resignation letter. The office manager has a high level standard in doing things. Also, she may seem to have some high ego just to prove that she is right.

People like these are often quite difficult to talk to. Maybe thats why your boss just cant be bothered. I have personally encountered people like these in school and work. Very tiring to entertain them. Discuss with your spouse first to make sure everything is ok. Then start applying jobs asap and quit. No point coming to work everyday and feeling miserable, which can, in the long term, affect marriages.
12-09-2022 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So you quit the current job.
Can't find job for few months.
Then have to accept one lousy one.
The new job also have the same kind of bitch manager.
Quit the new job.
Rest again.
Then new job.
Another same bitch...

Just ignore manager.
I don't bother with my manager.
They are higher paid then want to show like they doing work.
So just play along.
The art of not giving a damn.
Leave when it's time to leave.
Yea, I am stupid and foolish. Many times sabo myself unknowingly. Cos there are times when I really feel low. I just flare up just now at my that new manager when she came to me ask qn just to prove she is right and I am wrong. The first thing that come to my mind is 'Work conflict' and if I want to resign, that is my reason. But yea, I also need the salary for my TGIFs. Been thinking very long these days and even more so ever since this new manager start changing the way to do things in my office like she owns the office. Even my boss support her because HE CAN'T BE BOTHERED. Frankly speaking, this is the first time I encounter such person. Even if there are bitches in other places, not like this kind of scenario.

Even my spous doesn't object to my resigning.The thing that is holding me up is I am scared I can't land another job until xx months later.
12-09-2022 03:20 PM

So you quit the current job.
Can't find job for few months.
Then have to accept one lousy one.
The new job also have the same kind of bitch manager.
Quit the new job.
Rest again.
Then new job.
Another same bitch...

Just ignore manager.
I don't bother with my manager.
They are higher paid then want to show like they doing work.
So just play along.
The art of not giving a damn.
Leave when it's time to leave.
12-09-2022 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if office manager is hawt then stay!!!!
Old woman in her 50s la.
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