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Thread: Asking for advise, fresh graduate seeking first job Reply to Thread
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10-05-2015 03:15 PM
Unregistered Foreignr, pte uni, low grades, zero internship and want to join a bank. I suggest you start off selling credit cards or bancassurance at te branches, otherwise you are just wasting time. Even the most condem backoffice dept in a bank is not that desperate to hire you.
09-05-2015 09:42 AM
Unregistered btw, my company is filled with foreign interns... so yeah. you're gonna have a hard time explaining why you have no internship experience.
09-05-2015 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
In more literal way, I am asking how to get suitable job faster for foreigner, pte uni and low grades people like me.
why would companies hire a foreigner with low grades and no experience, and worse still no knowledge of the industry and no research skills?
09-05-2015 12:29 AM
Homey D. Clown
Originally Posted by aNakalimz View Post
Notes: I am foreigner. Don't spam or flame here if you are not happy with my post, because I am only asking for advise.
Thank you very much
Asking for advice, not advise.

I appreciate your advice, not advise

Any advice? Not advise

I am asking for advice, not advise

Advice is a noun. It means a suggestion for a beneficial course of action. Advise is a verb. It means to give advice.

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08-05-2015 11:30 PM
Unregistered LOL!

Foreigners can do internships in Singapore, be it poly or local uni, as long as the company doesn't specify that the opening is only for Singaporeans. (This rarely happens)
08-05-2015 11:23 PM
Unregistered Dear fellow UOL-ian

Don't make the rest of your schoolmates (incl the non uol folks at sim) look dumb because of your lack of knowledge on recruitment which can be acquired if u had put in effort to research, spoken to career coaches in school or even attend talks

and your "cluelessness" on the financial industry is why many of us face an image problem even though we are much more career-minded and proactive than u

please balik kampong
08-05-2015 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yes, I do not know. I know if there are front, middle and back office and their roles respectively. That's why I am asking for advise.
In more literal way, I am asking how to get suitable job faster for foreigner, pte uni and low grades people like me.
I apologise if this thread offend you in anyway (from your reply's style)
Not the same guy you are replying to, but just cannot resist chipping in.

Dude you cannot even tell the difference between finance jobs and jobs within the banking industry (which includes finance and many other functions like compliance, sales, customer service, marketing, legal, ops, hr, it, procurement etc.)

Front, middle and back office is a simplified term used to define a a bank's typical business operations structure, they are not description of finance jobs. When people are asking you what sort of finance jobs you want, they are asking things like accountant, treasurer, controller, FP&A, auditor, pricing, payroll, management accounting, investments, economist etc.

Looks to me you just want to join a bank, have no idea on even basic terminology and any job will do as long as the office is in a bank. Quite surprised at this kind of laid back mentality given that you are a foreigner with just a private degree.
08-05-2015 08:55 PM
Unregistered only internship sponsored through school curriculum is allowed, as far as i know.
08-05-2015 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Foreigners studying or graduate from non-poly or local uni are not allowed to do internship in Singapore as long as I know.
And where did your information came from?

A simple search using google suggests otherwise.
08-05-2015 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
do u even know what kinds of finance jobs are there? sounds to me you have no clue on what u want just jumping the bandwagon because everyones doing it
Yes, I do not know. I know if there are front, middle and back office and their roles respectively. That's why I am asking for advise.
In more literal way, I am asking how to get suitable job faster for foreigner, pte uni and low grades people like me.
I apologise if this thread offend you in anyway (from your reply's style)
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