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27-06-2015 08:58 PM
Unregistered Hi,

I would to know few things when joining a new company from a previous company.

1) Reference check - How do the new HR determine whether the reference given by you is real or fake. Like for example, you are not on good terms with your manager but on good terms with your executive. Your executive became your referral check but is declared as your manager
2) When you go for an interview and the company requires your references, do they contact them or only after you had joined the new company ? What i am afraid if their HR itchy go call up my manager even before letter of offer has been signed.
3) You have an unemployment period gap of 3 months in between your old job A and current job B and now you wish to apply for a new job C. If since,its hard to explain why you quit your old job without a new job, you decided to add on 3 months of job experience in A, to hide your employment gap. So will the new company C, knows about it?
Eg :
Company A from Jan - Jun, Company B Oct - Dec ( no job from july to Aug)
Company A from Jan - Aug, Company B Oct - Dec

Thanks for reading and pls don't blast me for asking. I just wanna know the process.
25-06-2015 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What kind of job is that ? What a hassle. Unless you really like that job then maybe 'drag on' lo, if not, start sending resume until you get other interview. I also don't like to drag. Want to employ me or don't want employ me, it is so clear cut. What is all these style or not style.
It's recruitment haha. They have a few rounds of interview though, and yeah it's always a cat and mouse game during interviews/waiting for offers right? But don't give up!
25-06-2015 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Unless you're not that keen on the job, or you feel you're a very strong/exceptional candidate for it such that you have more bargaining power than them, otherwise would advise you not to do what you described. Employers normally won't call your references unless they want to take you in already (it's def a sign they are interested in you or they won't waste time). If you refused to provide, it could backfire. Also, fyi, it's very normal for interviewers not to give out name cards.
Hmm surprisingly I was given an offer, they said the feedback was positive. I did ask for feedback and did tell them my concerns about the namecard thing but was rest assured cos it's just their culture. So I probably overthink or that I was too used to receiving name cards.

I accepted the offer cos the pay was lucrative and I need the money but somehow there's still this gut feeling inside me, I don't know how accurate it can be but just feel something is weird/off. Met my reporting superior and the hiring manager for lunch today, non-work related topics, very casual and laidback. My superior even said there's no need for handshakes!

This is a UK firm (recruitment) btw and I'm just worried of the cultural misfit. Anyone else felt weird before they start work but ended up pretty fine in the company?
24-06-2015 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Unemployment will usually be seen as negative factor, you may wish to highlight the reason why you had to take the break. Eventually references are necessary for claims of prior experience in related field upon job application.
As for business ventures you can still list them as being business owner or a partner during the period accordingly
24-06-2015 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What if a person stops work for some time due to personal reasons / business ventures etc, does he need to provide reference should he rejoin the workforce?
Unemployment will usually be seen as negative factor, you may wish to highlight the reason why you had to take the break. Eventually references are necessary for claims of prior experience in related field upon job application.
24-06-2015 01:55 PM
Unregistered What if a person stops work for some time due to personal reasons / business ventures etc, does he need to provide reference should he rejoin the workforce?
24-06-2015 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Some people may think their responsibility is to work, not to curry favour or make people like them.
Yes, the point of reference checks are mainly on the relevant job related issues. If we have a bad relationship with a former boss can always bring it upfront but if a candidate claimed years of experience but totally no valid reference at all it would certainly be fishy
24-06-2015 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There are some simple ways to do valid reference checks. Faking as an immediate superior of the applicant can be easily busted and applicant is deemed as dishonest candidate. Whereas the point of interpersonal skills I bet is a necessity of all if not most jobs. Who cares about who u like in your workplace? The responsibility is simple, work together not sleep or live together. Matured working adults will be able to handle it well.
Some people may think their responsibility is to work, not to curry favour or make people like them.
24-06-2015 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There are some simple ways to do valid reference checks. Faking as an immediate superior of the applicant can be easily busted and applicant is deemed as dishonest candidate. Whereas the point of interpersonal skills I bet is a necessity of all if not most jobs. Who cares about who u like in your workplace? The responsibility is simple, work together not sleep or live together. Matured working adults will be able to handle it well.
Too bad people don't think that way. When your boss/colleague don't like you and you have no choice but to put them as reference, better pray they don't bad mouth you. If you can click with your boss/colleagues, you have no worries putting them as reference, surely they will put in lots of good words about you. So it is not about who you like in the workplace, it is the other way round.
24-06-2015 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There are some simple ways to do valid reference checks. Faking as an immediate superior of the applicant can be easily busted and applicant is deemed as dishonest candidate. Whereas the point of interpersonal skills I bet is a necessity of all if not most jobs. Who cares about who u like in your workplace? The responsibility is simple, work together not sleep or live together. Matured working adults will be able to handle it well.
Yeah, the point of reference checks are to seek different opinions of the candidate before deciding if he or she can take up certain responsibilities needed in the job. That being said, a general bad comment from one former employer usually do no harm unless honesty is in concern.
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