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Thread: I (29 years old) am planning my career, any advice? Reply to Thread
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10-02-2016 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Are you kidding? An MBA from a prestigious US uni opens doors, and working in an IB after graduation is definitely a possibility.
I think the joke part poster meant was that any accountant can just think they put up their hands and sign up to study in a prestigious US MBA university.
10-02-2016 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Don't forget those jokers who think they can go take a MBA from some prestigious uni in US, then land a job at a big investment bank in US after they graduate.
Are you kidding? An MBA from a prestigious US uni opens doors, and working in an IB after graduation is definitely a possibility.
10-02-2016 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
actually i never understand why so many mid career accountants think they can just stroll into good paying banking jobs by just getting certs like masters or cfa. other than those typical sales jobs, if it was so easy then why will people try so hard to get inside management programs, summer internships and build industry networks. might as well just do whatever you want in school and work then just stroll into banking when you feel like it.
Don't forget those jokers who think they can go take a MBA from some prestigious uni in US, then land a job at a big investment bank in US after they graduate.
10-02-2016 01:38 PM
Unregistered actually i never understand why so many mid career accountants think they can just stroll into good paying banking jobs by just getting certs like masters or cfa. other than those typical sales jobs, if it was so easy then why will people try so hard to get inside management programs, summer internships and build industry networks. might as well just do whatever you want in school and work then just stroll into banking when you feel like it.
10-02-2016 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by wahlaoeh View Post
now my pay is like 4k mah. performance okay la, so boss say raise pay loh. then i negotiate and he say got rules la, so rules means, got band, i will be stuck under 6k long term unless new opening above la, no chacne one loh.

so i thinking do master be analyst of stocks and companies in banks or pviate co lo. i got offers in audit last year la but scared the hours too long and pay is too low.

i want to earn 5-6k by 35 and maybe 10k by 40-50. i guess i really overestimate myself.

i already have the acca and a graduate diploma, also private distance learning one, so wanna do masters la.

ya, actually i think very long time this, i think you right. i think i should take a pay cut, join big 4 like many fresh grads, and then work slowly up.

ya, i think think, you are right as well. maybe i thought there are many business masters like finance, accounting, economics la, but i guess most reasonably intelligent people will straightaway assume mba.

ya true, i applied non mba business master, i think it is really kum gong now it is cny i think about it. only mba can study, no point doing master of finance or all that.

no la, where did i say i top 10%? that is for applying for courses la, they see marks mah. i say many times i live in poor neighbourhood and have bad background and no local degree...

anyway, i think i aim too high you are right. i plan to look for audit job in big 4 now. why do a master or go to nus when i am distance private grad calibre?

you all got points. thanks la. wish everyone huatttt!
You should work on your English. If you use as much Singlish at work, as you do, on the forum, you should stop doing that. At the end of the day, in the corporate world, you need to be exposed, via meeting and projects. I would never allow my subordinates who speaks like this, to attend any meeting or do any presentation. Without opportunities like these, you are stuck behind your desk, and you can forget about promotion.
10-02-2016 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
But you're still working. You could still be a slave to a job despite earning a lot.
I was among the top in my cohort in school and Uni. I became a high flyer, among the top executives. I build up my fortune and now at the age of just 50, I am fully retired. I don't have to report to anyone. My wealth and passive income can sustain me for a long time.

So, you are not a good role model. I believe I am better than you as a top performer in school and work. Do you agree?
Good for you that you are fully retired at 50, but you have clearly missed the point. This is not a competition, and it also seems like maturity doesn't comes with age.

Additionally, I am 35 (graduated Poly at 20 and have been working for 15 years) and I have no plans to officially retire, even if I have accumulated the networth that I am working towards. I also don't think I have a talent in running a business, hence, the corporate world is more suitable for me, in my opinion. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

Personally, I enjoy what I am doing and I would enjoy it more, if it is not for the money. I can ignore the politics and speak my mind, all the time, not worrying about being fired. My ex-boss, who is in her 50s, doesn't need to work (extremely wealthy husband) but she is still working with the bank. In fact, her work has been so consistently outstanding, that the bank seniors are willing to accommodate a lot, to keep her within the organization. This includes having her work out of her house (on an island), on APAC timezone. There is a part of me that aspire to be like her, working from home in a remote location, and traveling only when it is necessary. If you tell me this 10 years ago, I would call BS but having witness it, I know it is possible.

Many Singaporeans are so fixated at the standards, achieving the 5 C's, hence anything out of the norm, is a bluff or a lie. Spend your money traveling, and see what is happening outside of Singapore. It will benefit you more, personally, than any MBAs.
10-02-2016 01:55 AM
Unregistered like real. haha

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My two cents worth...

I think you need to stop living in the past, on your PSLE grades and O levels. My PSLE results was terrible, and I was in normal stream. I assume I developed slower than the others, and had ok results for O levels (5A's and 2C's). My mum told me that she doesn't has any money to pay for university, so regardless whether I picked Poly or JC, that will be the final education she can afford to pay. At that time, I picked Poly because I felt a diploma is worth more than an A levels certificate.

My grades in Poly wasn't great either because I was working part time for pocket money. But I think it's the feeling that I'm always not smart enough, I feel I have to work doubly hard. 15 years later, I'm finished my part time degree from rmit and earning $300k/annum. In fact, I'm not even the most successful one among my poly classmates. One of them is more successful running a food business. Ironically, the girls who topped the class, are largely housewives/stay at home mums. They didn't survive or work long in the corporate work.

I think the ones who are more successful, never felt the past is important. It's the attitude that makes the difference.

Stay positive and 加油!
09-02-2016 03:48 PM
Unregistered But you're still working. You could still be a slave to a job despite earning a lot.
I was among the top in my cohort in school and Uni. I became a high flyer, among the top executives. I build up my fortune and now at the age of just 50, I am fully retired. I don't have to report to anyone. My wealth and passive income can sustain me for a long time.

So, you are not a good role model. I believe I am better than you as a top performer in school and work. Do you agree?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My two cents worth...

I think you need to stop living in the past, on your PSLE grades and O levels. My PSLE results was terrible, and I was in normal stream. I assume I developed slower than the others, and had ok results for O levels (5A's and 2C's). My mum told me that she doesn't has any money to pay for university, so regardless whether I picked Poly or JC, that will be the final education she can afford to pay. At that time, I picked Poly because I felt a diploma is worth more than an A levels certificate.

My grades in Poly wasn't great either because I was working part time for pocket money. But I think it's the feeling that I'm always not smart enough, I feel I have to work doubly hard. 15 years later, I'm finished my part time degree from rmit and earning $300k/annum. In fact, I'm not even the most successful one among my poly classmates. One of them is more successful running a food business. Ironically, the girls who topped the class, are largely housewives/stay at home mums. They didn't survive or work long in the corporate work.

I think the ones who are more successful, never felt the past is important. It's the attitude that makes the difference.

Stay positive and 加油!
09-02-2016 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
You seem to feel that you are highly intelligent but somehow is restricted in your career by your certifications and wish to boost them up.

Unfortunately, you still got no idea what you are doing. In reality, you are only very average in terms of intellect. But your inability to see that actually hinders you and cause you to waste lots of time and money pursuing something already way beyond your league.

Why are you even taking GRE instead of GMAT when you are trying to take an MBA?

Ppl from Banking Management Trainee programs and Management Consulting programs do go take their MBAs, but it is only the Ivy League MBAs.

Nobody cares about an NUS MBA. Look at the class profile - ://

No one from USA or many other developed nations are even in NUS MBA class.

Even when everyone who matters tell you that NUS MBS is useless, you still die die want to go in.

Even for a poor grade NUS MBA, it is highly unlikely you will make it in. You simply do not have the experience, skills, networks and educational qualifications to get in.

Let us imagine that best case scenario for you, where you successfully get an NUS MBA.

No bank is going to recruit you as an analyst even. People will recruit a first class honours or extremely exceptional 2nd upper guy as an analyst.

You are already spoilt goods. Even Maybank will not want you.

My advice is to take your CIMA and ACCA which is more relevant to you and try to get into big 4 and climb from there.
now my pay is like 4k mah. performance okay la, so boss say raise pay loh. then i negotiate and he say got rules la, so rules means, got band, i will be stuck under 6k long term unless new opening above la, no chacne one loh.

so i thinking do master be analyst of stocks and companies in banks or pviate co lo. i got offers in audit last year la but scared the hours too long and pay is too low.

i want to earn 5-6k by 35 and maybe 10k by 40-50. i guess i really overestimate myself.

i already have the acca and a graduate diploma, also private distance learning one, so wanna do masters la.

ya, actually i think very long time this, i think you right. i think i should take a pay cut, join big 4 like many fresh grads, and then work slowly up.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My apologies. I actually went back and re-read your first post. You certainly have not said that you have applied for an MBA.

Any normal, reasonably intelligent person will assume that business masters = MBA. Because that is the only business masters worth applying for.

What you have actually applied for is actually a non-MBA Masters in the NUS/NTU business school.

That is certainly the most kum gong thing ever.

You have 0 chance of getting into a bank, even as a bank teller.
ya, i think think, you are right as well. maybe i thought there are many business masters like finance, accounting, economics la, but i guess most reasonably intelligent people will straightaway assume mba.

ya true, i applied non mba business master, i think it is really kum gong now it is cny i think about it. only mba can study, no point doing master of finance or all that.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
TS does not need to stay positive, he needs to get down from high heaven (Mr top 10% @ school and work). He is already way too positive of his own capabilities.
no la, where did i say i top 10%? that is for applying for courses la, they see marks mah. i say many times i live in poor neighbourhood and have bad background and no local degree...

anyway, i think i aim too high you are right. i plan to look for audit job in big 4 now. why do a master or go to nus when i am distance private grad calibre?

you all got points. thanks la. wish everyone huatttt!
08-02-2016 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My two cents worth...

I think you need to stop living in the past, on your PSLE grades and O levels. My PSLE results was terrible, and I was in normal stream. I assume I developed slower than the others, and had ok results for O levels (5A's and 2C's). My mum told me that she doesn't has any money to pay for university, so regardless whether I picked Poly or JC, that will be the final education she can afford to pay. At that time, I picked Poly because I felt a diploma is worth more than an A levels certificate.

My grades in Poly wasn't great either because I was working part time for pocket money. But I think it's the feeling that I'm always not smart enough, I feel I have to work doubly hard. 15 years later, I'm finished my part time degree from rmit and earning $300k/annum. In fact, I'm not even the most successful one among my poly classmates. One of them is more successful running a food business. Ironically, the girls who topped the class, are largely housewives/stay at home mums. They didn't survive or work long in the corporate work.

I think the ones who are more successful, never felt the past is important. It's the attitude that makes the difference.

Stay positive and 加油!
TS does not need to stay positive, he needs to get down from high heaven (Mr top 10% @ school and work). He is already way too positive of his own capabilities.
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