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How much are you earning per annum?

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  #9071 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 12:00 AM
Posts: n/a

I believe he may be sabotaging the real Mr Ong. It is easy to use someone else's details and claim them as your own in this anonymous internet world.

Read the posts for fun and stress relief only. Don't take anything posted here seriously.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Oops... Gave away his identity liao..

Share his full name and contact number here...

All of us can call him for advise!!

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  #9072 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 01:13 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I believe he may be sabotaging the real Mr Ong. It is easy to use someone else's details and claim them as your own in this anonymous internet world.

Read the posts for fun and stress relief only. Don't take anything posted here seriously.
To put things in perspective, it is mathematically possible to achieve 200k by getting a commission of 1.5% and 2% per month base on a 500,000 hdb.

But given the market now, on average you need 3 month to sell 1 hdb.
(of course if the candidate is a "fast closer", then it will be other-wise, lol)

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  #9073 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 08:33 AM
Posts: n/a

I see many people here earn at least $100k pa. so a working couple earns at least $200k pa. so, not surprising why many people can afford to buy new cars. Even if COE hit $100k, it is only $10k pa, which only represents only 5% of the couple's annual income.

Many families spend more than $10k on an overseas holiday, there are families who can afford to spend $15k-$20k pa on holidays alone. So spending on a new car is no big deal. Today's COE at $60k is too cheap. We should reduce the number of COEs today to keep for the future. If not, don't be surprised if COE prices go to $150k in the future.

This week's COE will likely go to $65k for Cat A and $70k for Cat B. With rising income, COE prices should go much higher. With year end and annual bonuses coming, buying new cars is no big deal.

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  #9074 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 09:17 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I see many people here earn at least $100k pa. so a working couple earns at least $200k pa. so, not surprising why many people can afford to buy new cars. Even if COE hit $100k, it is only $10k pa, which only represents only 5% of the couple's annual income.

Many families spend more than $10k on an overseas holiday, there are families who can afford to spend $15k-$20k pa on holidays alone. So spending on a new car is no big deal. Today's COE at $60k is too cheap. We should reduce the number of COEs today to keep for the future. If not, don't be surprised if COE prices go to $150k in the future.

This week's COE will likely go to $65k for Cat A and $70k for Cat B. With rising income, COE prices should go much higher. With year end and annual bonuses coming, buying new cars is no big deal.
Agreed. Give me the name of your car company and your name/contact so that I can buy cars from you.
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  #9075 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 09:40 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I see many people here earn at least $100k pa. so a working couple earns at least $200k pa. so, not surprising why many people can afford to buy new cars. Even if COE hit $100k, it is only $10k pa, which only represents only 5% of the couple's annual income.

Many families spend more than $10k on an overseas holiday, there are families who can afford to spend $15k-$20k pa on holidays alone. So spending on a new car is no big deal. Today's COE at $60k is too cheap. We should reduce the number of COEs today to keep for the future. If not, don't be surprised if COE prices go to $150k in the future.

This week's COE will likely go to $65k for Cat A and $70k for Cat B. With rising income, COE prices should go much higher. With year end and annual bonuses coming, buying new cars is no big deal.
Me and my partner are one of the couple with combine income of 250k. but we are fairly prudent. Our overseas holiday annually never make it pass 2 to 3 k, only to neighbouring countries.
We both drive 2nd hand jap cars and cant bear to change because of high coe.
middle age at mid 30s to 40s. We are prudent and want to spend wisely and have been since the beginning of our careers. SO we do not exponentially spend more when we earn more.
I am surprised to hear my lesser colleagues who earn much lesser, spend over 10k annually on holidays. They are older and I would assume their earning longevity be much shorter then I am. I guess I am a low risk taker then.
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  #9076 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 09:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Me and my partner are one of the couple with combine income of 250k. but we are fairly prudent. Our overseas holiday annually never make it pass 2 to 3 k, only to neighbouring countries.
We both drive 2nd hand jap cars and cant bear to change because of high coe.
middle age at mid 30s to 40s. We are prudent and want to spend wisely and have been since the beginning of our careers. SO we do not exponentially spend more when we earn more.
I am surprised to hear my lesser colleagues who earn much lesser, spend over 10k annually on holidays. They are older and I would assume their earning longevity be much shorter then I am. I guess I am a low risk taker then.
Do you live in a 3 room hdb flat?
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  #9077 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 03:18 PM
Posts: n/a

We had the good fortune to buy our condo at a good price. Now we have paid off the mortgage. Our income is $190k pa. We save $40k pa, not as much as others but it is because we are generous to our parents and children. We don't deny our children a good life. They enjoy good food, eating at restaurants, they enjoy living in a luxurious condo and they enjoy good foreign holidays every year.

Our retirement plan is simple. We will get passive income from our CPF Life as well as from dividends. We will continue to live in our condo unit during retirement. As our condo is close to an MRT station and other amenities, we will no longer need to own a private car upon retirement as public transportation will suffice. We also envisage no longer needing to employ a domestic helper as household chores will be more manageable for just a retired couple. We will be fifty soon. We feel blessed to have achieved a good life, a good family and a peaceful well being.
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  #9078 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2015, 07:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Consider yourself extremely fortunate. You're in the top 0.001% of the world's population, in terms of material achievements. There are billions of people around the world living in dire conditions and extreme poverty. Stop complaining about your life.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
We had the good fortune to buy our condo at a good price. Now we have paid off the mortgage. Our income is $190k pa. We save $40k pa, not as much as others but it is because we are generous to our parents and children. We don't deny our children a good life. They enjoy good food, eating at restaurants, they enjoy living in a luxurious condo and they enjoy good foreign holidays every year.

Our retirement plan is simple. We will get passive income from our CPF Life as well as from dividends. We will continue to live in our condo unit during retirement. As our condo is close to an MRT station and other amenities, we will no longer need to own a private car upon retirement as public transportation will suffice. We also envisage no longer needing to employ a domestic helper as household chores will be more manageable for just a retired couple. We will be fifty soon. We feel blessed to have achieved a good life, a good family and a peaceful well being.
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  #9079 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2015, 07:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Are you and wife the average couple in Singapore and you both wish to retire in a luxury condo and drives around in a big, new car? Yes, you can and this is not a scam. How? Let me tell you a secret.

Your two most important retirement assets are your HDB flat and your CPF Life.

Make sure by the time you and wife retire at 65, you have paid off your HDB mortgage (this is easy because BTO flats are very cheap, relative to household income) and you and wife opt for the Enhanced CPF Life scheme. You and wife will each get $1800 pm from CPF Life. Then you rent out your whole HDB flat. You both retire in one of our neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, etc.

Your retirement passive income

Rental income from HDB flat $2500 pm
Your CPF Life payout $1800 pm
Your wife's CPF Life payout $1800 pm
Total passive income $6100 pm

If you retire in Malaysia, you then convert your passive income to get $18,300 pm!
If this kind of money, you can rent a penthouse luxury condo anywhere in Malaysia, drives a luxury car, eat at restaurants three times a week, etc.

If you retire in Thailand or Vietnam, you can enjoy and spend even more. You can even hire two domestic helpers, a driver and a gardener. You will be living in a big bungalow with swimming pool.

So this is the secret of how the ordinary average Singapore couple can retire in luxury.
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  #9080 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2015, 09:19 AM
Posts: n/a

You must ask yourself why this is still a "secret". Ask why is it not happening in a big way, i.e. Why not many retirees are choosing this option of retiring in those places.

At the end of the day, it is not just about the cost. There is a trade off to live in lower cost countries - familiarity, family & friends, safety, convenience, food, medical, culture and language. For many people, the trade offs are not worth the savings. Some more, at 65, you may just want to settle with familiar surroundings, the convenience and efficiency that is Singapore.

Ironically, those who bought houses in other countries are the richer Singaporeans who treat their overseas homes as holiday homes. And another irony is that as people age, they desire to live and eventually die at home. My uncle who has lived and worked in Australia for more than 20 years has decided to return to Singapore for good at the age of 65.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Are you and wife the average couple in Singapore and you both wish to retire in a luxury condo and drives around in a big, new car? Yes, you can and this is not a scam. How? Let me tell you a secret.

Your two most important retirement assets are your HDB flat and your CPF Life.

Make sure by the time you and wife retire at 65, you have paid off your HDB mortgage (this is easy because BTO flats are very cheap, relative to household income) and you and wife opt for the Enhanced CPF Life scheme. You and wife will each get $1800 pm from CPF Life. Then you rent out your whole HDB flat. You both retire in one of our neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, etc.

Your retirement passive income

Rental income from HDB flat $2500 pm
Your CPF Life payout $1800 pm
Your wife's CPF Life payout $1800 pm
Total passive income $6100 pm

If you retire in Malaysia, you then convert your passive income to get $18,300 pm!
If this kind of money, you can rent a penthouse luxury condo anywhere in Malaysia, drives a luxury car, eat at restaurants three times a week, etc.

If you retire in Thailand or Vietnam, you can enjoy and spend even more. You can even hire two domestic helpers, a driver and a gardener. You will be living in a big bungalow with swimming pool.

So this is the secret of how the ordinary average Singapore couple can retire in luxury.
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