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How much are you earning per annum?

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  #4641 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 11:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
~190k p.a. including bonuses
~400k cash savings, ex cpf

wife ~80k pa., same age
still owe hdb ~100+k for hdb. market price ~700+k (central location)
Hi, you are doing very well. Do you mind sharing what line you are in? I am about the same age but have half your income and net worth. Am looking for a new job to earn more and would appreciate some insights on which sectors to focus on. Thanks!

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  #4642 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Ex high flyer, 50, now retired, earns passive income $100k pa. Younger wife, 35, still pursuing her career, earns $90k pa. Household expenses $80k pa. Home is a condo, paid up, worth $1.5m. Now spends time doing charity work and working out in the gym and pool. Take part in marathons twice a year, goes tracking once a year and mountain climbing twice a year. Life is so fulfilling now.

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  #4643 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Life is like that.

The first million is the most difficult, and you savor it very much when you finally got there.

The second million gets a bit easier, but still take effort.

I once told myself that I will retire when I have n/w of $5m but when you get there, you know of so people with $10m or more. So you continue working and refuse to slow down.

In the process, I have missed some of my kid's growing up years (even though they are only 4 and 7 now) but this is life....

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I missed those times when buying things I desired or wanted can make me happy. Now, I don't get the same thrill or happiness when I buy things, not even a new car!

I used to be happy when I can afford the things I wanted. When I first started working, I wanted and dreamt of having my own car. Everyday I would pour over the classified ads for cars. I was quite realistic then, knowing that I could only buy a resale car. After working and saving for 2 full years, I finally bought myself a 5 yr old civic. (At that time, COE was non existent). Was happy and proud as can be.

Buying our matrimonial home with my wife brought mixed feelings of joy and worry. Joy because we were finally getting and owning our own home, and worry because of the long term commitment to the loan. We skipped the HDB route because of the long wait for a new flat at that time.

Now that we have changed homes 4 times, and changed cars 8 times, we sort of lost the excitement of buying a new home or a car or anything for that matter. Currently we own 2 condos and 2 cars. When we got the keys to our investment condo, we didn't feel the excitement anymore. Likewise when we replaced our 10 yr old car with a new one, it was like business as usual. No more fussing over it like a boy receiving a new toy.

I now derive more joy watching my net worth grow than spending money. I think I have lost the reason or purpose of saving money. The purpose we save money and make our savings grow is so that we could spend them to give ourselves a better life and to live happier. Somehow, I lost that. I am now quite obsessed with growing my net worth to the extent of living like a miser. My wife scolded me asking "what's the point of having all that millions if you are not ever going to use them!?"

What is wrong with me?

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  #4644 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 03:36 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 335
lazyplane is on a distinguished road

Honestly, I really hope i dont end up like you.

Find a purpose to life that bigger than just about you and money.
If u r too lazy, then at least go watch this movie that was released in 2011
The intouchables

Makes u think about what is really impt.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I missed those times when buying things I desired or wanted can make me happy. Now, I don't get the same thrill or happiness when I buy things, not even a new car!

I used to be happy when I can afford the things I wanted. When I first started working, I wanted and dreamt of having my own car. Everyday I would pour over the classified ads for cars. I was quite realistic then, knowing that I could only buy a resale car. After working and saving for 2 full years, I finally bought myself a 5 yr old civic. (At that time, COE was non existent). Was happy and proud as can be.

Buying our matrimonial home with my wife brought mixed feelings of joy and worry. Joy because we were finally getting and owning our own home, and worry because of the long term commitment to the loan. We skipped the HDB route because of the long wait for a new flat at that time.

Now that we have changed homes 4 times, and changed cars 8 times, we sort of lost the excitement of buying a new home or a car or anything for that matter. Currently we own 2 condos and 2 cars. When we got the keys to our investment condo, we didn't feel the excitement anymore. Likewise when we replaced our 10 yr old car with a new one, it was like business as usual. No more fussing over it like a boy receiving a new toy.

I now derive more joy watching my net worth grow than spending money. I think I have lost the reason or purpose of saving money. The purpose we save money and make our savings grow is so that we could spend them to give ourselves a better life and to live happier. Somehow, I lost that. I am now quite obsessed with growing my net worth to the extent of living like a miser. My wife scolded me asking "what's the point of having all that millions if you are not ever going to use them!?"

What is wrong with me?
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  #4645 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 08:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Ex high flyer, 50, now retired, earns passive income $100k pa. Younger wife, 35, still pursuing her career, earns $90k pa. Household expenses $80k pa. Home is a condo, paid up, worth $1.5m. Now spends time doing charity work and working out in the gym and pool. Take part in marathons twice a year, goes tracking once a year and mountain climbing twice a year. Life is so fulfilling now.
you are a success, not only are you a rich man, you are also a man with a noble heart. good for you.
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  #4646 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 09:03 PM
Millionaire Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 275
Hermit is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Life is like that.

The first million is the most difficult, and you savor it very much when you finally got there.

The second million gets a bit easier, but still take effort.

I once told myself that I will retire when I have n/w of $5m but when you get there, you know of so people with $10m or more. So you continue working and refuse to slow down.

In the process, I have missed some of my kid's growing up years (even though they are only 4 and 7 now) but this is life....
It is not too late, bro. Do some catching up with the kids before they reach their teens.
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  #4647 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 09:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Hermit View Post
It is not too late, bro. Do some catching up with the kids before they reach their teens.
Thanks Hermit. Any advice or guidance will be greatly appreciated. anyway we can connect pls.
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  #4648 (permalink)  
Old 22-06-2014, 10:43 PM
Posts: n/a

43/49, 160k pa. Condo bought during the 2008 global financial crisis, now worth 1.2m, loan left 200k. Small old car, no more loan. Other assets in total, 500k. Net worth in total 1.5m.

We are your typical middle income Singaporean. We hope to retire at 65 when we will get the CPF retirement account money. we may also sell our condo and downgrade to a studio condo and use the balance cash to invest in blue chips.
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  #4649 (permalink)  
Old 23-06-2014, 04:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I missed those times when buying things I desired or wanted can make me happy. Now, I don't get the same thrill or happiness when I buy things, not even a new car!

I used to be happy when I can afford the things I wanted. When I first started working, I wanted and dreamt of having my own car. Everyday I would pour over the classified ads for cars. I was quite realistic then, knowing that I could only buy a resale car. After working and saving for 2 full years, I finally bought myself a 5 yr old civic. (At that time, COE was non existent). Was happy and proud as can be.

Buying our matrimonial home with my wife brought mixed feelings of joy and worry. Joy because we were finally getting and owning our own home, and worry because of the long term commitment to the loan. We skipped the HDB route because of the long wait for a new flat at that time.

Now that we have changed homes 4 times, and changed cars 8 times, we sort of lost the excitement of buying a new home or a car or anything for that matter. Currently we own 2 condos and 2 cars. When we got the keys to our investment condo, we didn't feel the excitement anymore. Likewise when we replaced our 10 yr old car with a new one, it was like business as usual. No more fussing over it like a boy receiving a new toy.

I now derive more joy watching my net worth grow than spending money. I think I have lost the reason or purpose of saving money. The purpose we save money and make our savings grow is so that we could spend them to give ourselves a better life and to live happier. Somehow, I lost that. I am now quite obsessed with growing my net worth to the extent of living like a miser. My wife scolded me asking "what's the point of having all that millions if you are not ever going to use them!?"

What is wrong with me?
Take the middle path, my friend.
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  #4650 (permalink)  
Old 23-06-2014, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
43/49, 160k pa. Condo bought during the 2008 global financial crisis, now worth 1.2m, loan left 200k. Small old car, no more loan. Other assets in total, 500k. Net worth in total 1.5m.

We are your typical middle income Singaporean. We hope to retire at 65 when we will get the CPF retirement account money. we may also sell our condo and downgrade to a studio condo and use the balance cash to invest in blue chips.
Well done. You are in the top 15% of Singapore's society since you live in a condo.
85% of Singapore society live in public housing.
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