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How much are you earning per annum?

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  #11771 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2019, 06:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
24yo fresh grad joining the rat race next month. Suddenly annual income from 0 to 44k
congrats! ~3.9k a month is very respectable!

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  #11772 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2019, 06:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
26 fresh grad. Will earn around 60k PA in 12 months.
Wow which industry for 5k a month? with or without bonus?

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  #11773 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2019, 08:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Wow which industry for 5k a month? with or without bonus?
With; banking.

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  #11774 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2019, 09:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default 6k/month but....

9 years experience in non-finance field.
With 13 months pay and bonus, all-in around 85ksgd/ annum.

Secondary source of income of around 5ksgd/month(60k/annum) from real estate overseas.

Tertiary investments in growth stocks (40 percent - 800k usd current value) and real estate(1.2 mil usd - mini commercial store/residential single unit hybrid) for a total of about 2 mil usd. Currently using rental income to pay off mortgages ... 25 years left.

My original background is in IB ( North America) and I’ve made 120k usd in my first year working for a bulge bracket in 2009. I’ve worked up to senior associate (5-6 years) and by 2015, my annual pay was 130k usd base / 100k usd bonus ( total ~ 230k usd).

I quit at the end of 2015 to start my own business, which barely broke even due to poor management and collabaratiom between partners ( my fault too...) and by 2017, I joined a company in Singapore, which allowed me to work flexible hours so that I could pursue other initiatives in SEA.

Why did I quit IB you say? I worked like a dog ( up to 120 hours / week sometimes) and also, the work itself consisted of making tons of ppts, crunching numbers in an already built in financial model... being on standby for directors or mds to send small revisions at random hours of the night... it’s not something that I could see myself do Long term.

Luckily, I did not live a “models and bottles” kind of life style like some of my colleagues... so I was able to save and invest a big chunk of my earnings. I did get lucky with a few early stage investments such as Netflix, which paid off big.

I am telling my story because there are many ways to make money and/or be happy ... take a broader view and look beyond the salary you can get. There are better ways to invest your money if you take the time after work, or weekends to find deals or to network/ meet people with similar mind sets to invest and grow your net worth.

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  #11775 (permalink)  
Old 14-08-2019, 01:24 AM
Posts: n/a

Thank you for sharing sir. You are an inspiration to many here, especially the young professionals in this forum. I think you are the most successful and most honourable among us. Thank you sir for your kindness. Not many rich and successful people has a golden heart like yours.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Former finance professional. Millionaire.
Retired at 44 after a successful career.
Lives in a mortgage-free 3 bedroom luxury condominium unit.
Drives a loan-free continental luxury car.

Grew up in a lower middle class family.
Worked very hard. Did well in school and career.
Moved up the social and economic ladder.
Moved up to the upper class.
Achieved the Singapore Dream.

Earning passive income from investment portfolio. Net worth grew steadily over the years.

Besides growing my investment portfolio and spending more time with my family, I volunteer at charities to help the poor and needy.

Life is indeed a lot better now.
I am happier and healthier.
Life is more meaningful and fulfilling.
I feel blessed for helping the less fortunate.

Life is not about the endless pursuit of material wealth. The hunger for material wealth, power and status is never ending by those who are fooled by this world.

True wealth = sufficient material wealth + spiritual and emotional wealth + physical and mental health + spending time with family + free time to enjoy and do what we want + travel the world + lots of reading on many subject matters + meaningful fulfilling relationships + giving back to society + richness in life experiences.

We only live once on this earth. YOLO. Time on this earth is the most valuable asset which no one knows how much he is given. No one knows when he is going to die. Every second spent will be gone forever. A lucky few will die in their 90s while most will die in their 70s and 80s. Some will die in their 50s and 60s before they can enjoy a single day of retirement. Some die young, in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

I am very fortunate and blessed to be able to retire at 44. I have so far enjoyed six years of early retirement.

I am very happy and grateful as I have achieved FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) while still enjoying a very good and comfortable lifestyle in Singapore, one of the top cities in the world and the best city to live in Asia.

As a millionaire, I am very lucky to be among the top 0.25% in the world. This privilege gives me a strong motivation to volunteer at charities to help the poor and needy. I am humbled by this privilege. With privilege comes responsibility.
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  #11776 (permalink)  
Old 14-08-2019, 08:40 AM
Posts: n/a

poly fresh grad earning 24k PA in 12 months
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  #11777 (permalink)  
Old 15-08-2019, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Private uni fresh grad, 38.4k PA. Not too sure about bonuses yet, been working for 8 months.
Had to service study loan of 17k currently, had been paying interest for 2 years & principal + interest for 8 months.
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  #11778 (permalink)  
Old 21-08-2019, 05:01 PM
Posts: n/a

We are a couple (early 40s)
Property worth SGD 3mio
Loan SGD 2mio
Cash / Investments SGD 900k
Combined CPF - SGD 500k
Car – Fully Paid
Combined Income pa SGD 500k
Savings pa SGD 210k
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  #11780 (permalink)  
Old 26-08-2019, 11:47 PM
Posts: n/a

You are a very wise man. Enjoy life when you’re still young and healthy. No point retiring so late and when your health is poor. Many retirees will live in poor health even though they live till their 80s. Retire early and enjoy retirement in good health. Those people who are already rich but want to continue becoming richer and working so hard until they become sick and then die are not so smart. All the wealth they work so hard for cannot be enjoyed by them. Their children will just squander their wealth and they enjoy life and retire early.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Former finance professional. Millionaire.
Retired at 44 after a successful career.
Lives in a mortgage-free 3 bedroom luxury condominium unit.
Drives a loan-free continental luxury car.

Grew up in a lower middle class family.
Worked very hard. Did well in school and career.
Moved up the social and economic ladder.
Moved up to the upper class.
Achieved the Singapore Dream.

Earning passive income from investment portfolio. Net worth grew steadily over the years.

Besides growing my investment portfolio and spending more time with my family, I volunteer at charities to help the poor and needy.

Life is indeed a lot better now.
I am happier and healthier.
Life is more meaningful and fulfilling.
I feel blessed for helping the less fortunate.

Life is not about the endless pursuit of material wealth. The hunger for material wealth, power and status is never ending by those who are fooled by this world.

True wealth = sufficient material wealth + spiritual and emotional wealth + physical and mental health + spending time with family + free time to enjoy and do what we want + travel the world + lots of reading on many subject matters + meaningful fulfilling relationships + giving back to society + richness in life experiences.

We only live once on this earth. YOLO. Time on this earth is the most valuable asset which no one knows how much he is given. No one knows when he is going to die. Every second spent will be gone forever. A lucky few will die in their 90s while most will die in their 70s and 80s. Some will die in their 50s and 60s before they can enjoy a single day of retirement. Some die young, in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

I am very fortunate and blessed to be able to retire at 44. I have so far enjoyed six years of early retirement.

I am very happy and grateful as I have achieved FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) while still enjoying a very good and comfortable lifestyle in Singapore, one of the top cities in the world and the best city to live in Asia.

As a millionaire, I am very lucky to be among the top 0.25% in the world. This privilege gives me a strong motivation to volunteer at charities to help the poor and needy. I am humbled by this privilege. With privilege comes responsibility.

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