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How is life as a doctor in Singapore?

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  #9031 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 01:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Banking bro here again
Disagree the part of enjoyment from doing complex work
For me i would just rather go home early, go office without using my brain
Don't need to think about complex work then call it a day and count my money
Especially if u tell me the alternative is doing complex bs that I can't go home and need to sort it out asa before the deadline
I sign up for money not for challenge. If i want to challenge myself, i go join WP and compete, no need to do this white collar bs work that nobody gives a flying f

This is also why inhouse counsel can still attract people who can make it in law
Most just get kicked out and make peanuts but some shops pay their senior counsel (2 ranks below sg general counsel) 350k
Counsels in my bank reviews el, occasionally opine but most often don't as these are advisors' work
He told me if u want me to reply after 8, u need to let me know to standby in advance
He works 930-7 daily no weekends, 30d AL, no complex issue
Dream job imo
Many people sign up for easy life, hence his position if he gtfo tmr we can easily get hundreds of cv from magic circle latham kirkland milbank whatever

Most of us don't enjoy complex work and feel frustrated dealing with undoable crap that needs to be done
The main reason these work exist is just to justify the self worth for the expensive salary
Need to w*nk to justify our ppt costing client 5m usd
Doctors i have no knowledge but i guess not so much need. Not in sg but look at aussie, only derm can prescribe isotretinoin, then yea got acne money walks into their wallet, no need do this do that complex work to justify
Too many professional services are overcharging everyone, and hence there is a lot of complex moot work

There is a reason why derm is so popular
U make like other top IM subspecialties like cards or gi without the stress and grind
Tell me wiping tables in food republic make as much as banking or derm, I am going to sign up asap

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  #9032 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 02:05 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Banking bro here again
Disagree the part of enjoyment from doing complex work
For me i would just rather go home early, go office without using my brain
Don't need to think about complex work then call it a day and count my money
Especially if u tell me the alternative is doing complex bs that I can't go home and need to sort it out asa before the deadline
I sign up for money not for challenge. If i want to challenge myself, i go join WP and compete, no need to do this white collar bs work that nobody gives a flying f

This is also why inhouse counsel can still attract people who can make it in law
Most just get kicked out and make peanuts but some shops pay their senior counsel (2 ranks below sg general counsel) 350k
Counsels in my bank reviews el, occasionally opine but most often don't as these are advisors' work
He told me if u want me to reply after 8, u need to let me know to standby in advance
He works 930-7 daily no weekends, 30d AL, no complex issue
Dream job imo
Many people sign up for easy life, hence his position if he gtfo tmr we can easily get hundreds of cv from magic circle latham kirkland milbank whatever

Most of us don't enjoy complex work and feel frustrated dealing with undoable crap that needs to be done
The main reason these work exist is just to justify the self worth for the expensive salary
Need to w*nk to justify our ppt costing client 5m usd
Doctors i have no knowledge but i guess not so much need. Not in sg but look at aussie, only derm can prescribe isotretinoin, then yea got acne money walks into their wallet, no need do this do that complex work to justify
Too many professional services are overcharging everyone, and hence there is a lot of complex moot work

There is a reason why derm is so popular
U make like other top IM subspecialties like cards or gi without the stress and grind
Tell me wiping tables in food republic make as much as banking or derm, I am going to sign up asap

Not sure what’s your definition of “low effort” but I was making $250 an hour as a locum doc in vaccination centre during covid years.

Was raking in excess of $40000 a month. Doing nothing most of the time. Occasionally attending to a few rare cases of anaphylaxis but otherwise just briefing vaccinator staff on what to do.

Most of the time spent playing phone in my tent to be honest. Relish those times. 2020-2022

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  #9033 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 04:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Non surgical specialist in gov hospital here
Just turned full C recently. Earned 360k in total this year
Planning to go private in the next 5 years or so
Congrats bro. Are u procedural?

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  #9034 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 07:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Congrats bro. Are u procedural?
I guess u could say semi!
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  #9035 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 08:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Congrats bro. Are u procedural?
Sounds like Gastro ?
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  #9036 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 08:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Congrats bro. Are u procedural?
Wonder if fcfp fm consultants earn 360k/year?
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  #9037 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 09:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Banking bro here again
Disagree the part of enjoyment from doing complex work
For me i would just rather go home early, go office without using my brain
Don't need to think about complex work then call it a day and count my money
Especially if u tell me the alternative is doing complex bs that I can't go home and need to sort it out asa before the deadline
I sign up for money not for challenge. If i want to challenge myself, i go join WP and compete, no need to do this white collar bs work that nobody gives a flying f

This is also why inhouse counsel can still attract people who can make it in law
Most just get kicked out and make peanuts but some shops pay their senior counsel (2 ranks below sg general counsel) 350k
Counsels in my bank reviews el, occasionally opine but most often don't as these are advisors' work
He told me if u want me to reply after 8, u need to let me know to standby in advance
He works 930-7 daily no weekends, 30d AL, no complex issue
Dream job imo
Many people sign up for easy life, hence his position if he gtfo tmr we can easily get hundreds of cv from magic circle latham kirkland milbank whatever

Most of us don't enjoy complex work and feel frustrated dealing with undoable crap that needs to be done
The main reason these work exist is just to justify the self worth for the expensive salary
Need to w*nk to justify our ppt costing client 5m usd
Doctors i have no knowledge but i guess not so much need. Not in sg but look at aussie, only derm can prescribe isotretinoin, then yea got acne money walks into their wallet, no need do this do that complex work to justify
Too many professional services are overcharging everyone, and hence there is a lot of complex moot work

There is a reason why derm is so popular
U make like other top IM subspecialties like cards or gi without the stress and grind
Tell me wiping tables in food republic make as much as banking or derm, I am going to sign up asap
banking bro- you ready to be doing HO in your mid 40s and residency in your 50s? i think you will rgeret this choice. but i also think if you dont try, you will regret too. if you have some extra money to dabble into a medical degree, then do

to everyone else- honestly, cannot compare finance/ law with medicine. i came from a humble background and am the first doctor in the family. i have witnessed life outside medicine through my immediate family and i know for certain that if you do well in finance, you can be rich very quickly. medicine wise, even if you are doing very well, there is no guarantee taht you can be rich. you can be comfortable though. all working doctorsd are comfortable in life. doctors dont get rich from doctoring, and inclusive of derms too. doctors trade time for money. those who get rich in doctoring essentially extended to being an entrepreneur.
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  #9038 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 11:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
banking bro- you ready to be doing HO in your mid 40s and residency in your 50s? i think you will rgeret this choice. but i also think if you dont try, you will regret too. if you have some extra money to dabble into a medical degree, then do

to everyone else- honestly, cannot compare finance/ law with medicine. i came from a humble background and am the first doctor in the family. i have witnessed life outside medicine through my immediate family and i know for certain that if you do well in finance, you can be rich very quickly. medicine wise, even if you are doing very well, there is no guarantee taht you can be rich. you can be comfortable though. all working doctorsd are comfortable in life. doctors dont get rich from doctoring, and inclusive of derms too. doctors trade time for money. those who get rich in doctoring essentially extended to being an entrepreneur.

Depends on what’s your definition of rich. To someone from humble background like yourself, it might mean earning stable 6 figures a year. In which case med is the best choice given that as long you graduate you become a doctor. Minimally a GP. The lowest you can make is 180k a year.

Banking/Law have higher ceilings but lower floors as well. That’s the risk someone must take.
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  #9039 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 11:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
banking bro- you ready to be doing HO in your mid 40s and residency in your 50s? i think you will rgeret this choice. but i also think if you dont try, you will regret too. if you have some extra money to dabble into a medical degree, then do

to everyone else- honestly, cannot compare finance/ law with medicine. i came from a humble background and am the first doctor in the family. i have witnessed life outside medicine through my immediate family and i know for certain that if you do well in finance, you can be rich very quickly. medicine wise, even if you are doing very well, there is no guarantee taht you can be rich. you can be comfortable though. all working doctorsd are comfortable in life. doctors dont get rich from doctoring, and inclusive of derms too. doctors trade time for money. those who get rich in doctoring essentially extended to being an entrepreneur.
Medicine offers the best predictability and stability for those looking to make 6 figures. Everyone who graduates will become a doctor.. not the same for business/law grads. Many end up in unrelated fields.

For example, a friend of mine BBA holder working in hotel management because he couldn’t get into wealth management/investment banking after graduation. Also know many law friends who did not become lawyers because they only had TC offers from low fruit Chinatown firms and felt their prospects will be bad
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  #9040 (permalink)  
Old 14-12-2024, 11:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sounds like Gastro ?
Nah gastro i’d say is procedural alr. Cardio as well. Hmm a medical specialty that’s semi procedural. Could be derm?
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