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How is life as a doctor in Singapore?

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  #8871 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
One clinic is owned by a philanthropist UHNWI. It's a non profit organization. So he doesn't require me to pay overhead. I work there on Fridays. We also do rounds as a multidisciplinary team and I get paid for that time at rounds.

The other is work I do own time own target. I go to see the patients at their homes. Assessments. So there is no overhead.

The other two clinics I work Thurs morning at the one with 25% overhead and the afternoon for the one with 20% overhead. Some Wednesdays I do telemed from home for the clinic with 20% overhead. I also get clinical assistants to help me review medical records of patients and then preclerk them before I go in to see the patients. Same for telemed they also review history before I call the patients to summarize and close.

Hence I work 2-3 days a week. Plus minus 0-4 of those home visits a week which I do either on weekends or Mon Tues or Wed. I arrange when to see them directly.

From July to Nov so far my gross is $271,058.31 before overhead of $25,130.
Wow… how do the finances work? you own 2 of the clinics and rake in income passively? or how to hit so much in 4 months alone?

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  #8872 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 02:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
One clinic is owned by a philanthropist UHNWI. It's a non profit organization. So he doesn't require me to pay overhead. I work there on Fridays. We also do rounds as a multidisciplinary team and I get paid for that time at rounds.

The other is work I do own time own target. I go to see the patients at their homes. Assessments. So there is no overhead.

The other two clinics I work Thurs morning at the one with 25% overhead and the afternoon for the one with 20% overhead. Some Wednesdays I do telemed from home for the clinic with 20% overhead. I also get clinical assistants to help me review medical records of patients and then preclerk them before I go in to see the patients. Same for telemed they also review history before I call the patients to summarize and close.

Hence I work 2-3 days a week. Plus minus 0-4 of those home visits a week which I do either on weekends or Mon Tues or Wed. I arrange when to see them directly.

From July to Nov so far my gross is $271,058.31 before overhead of $25,130.
Wow how do the finances work for this? can find out more?

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  #8873 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 03:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Singaporean here deciding between studying med in UK and singapore. Worried that if i study here may not be able to specialise because of how few specialty training seats there are. Plan is to specialise elsehwherre after medical school and then return to SG to hedge my risk. I am able to afford the UK but ofc would prefer to spend less and invest the money instead if possible. Also, if residency dosent work out and I study in the UK, i can have all the required aesthetics qualification and do aesthetics within 2-3 years of returning to SG but if i study at NTU, i would be in PHI for 6 years after med school due to the bond. Essentially I am asking which is the best option all things considered. The 300-350k difference in cost between the 2 schools, is it worht increasing my chances of being a specialist in sg or entering the private sector 3-4 years earlier?
Banker bro here so not doctor but I have thought that as well.
It may not be as relevant to you as I am considering UK vs Duke NUS.
But then all programs require a hefty amount to break the bond.

Feels that unless you are set on serving in public for 5y, you aren't really doing it cheaper considering liquidated damage plus tuition cost maybe slightly less than UK tuition only.

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  #8874 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 03:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
HDB void deck rent at a decent location is still around 10-12k if you can find a good deal and optimise the space well. Average price of consult + Medicine is around 50-60 dollars. Therefore u need to see 200 patients a month to break even or 50 a week. That would mean only the first 10 patients or first 2 hours of each day is spent on overheads. 2 nurses- around 5k a month in total so thats the next 5 patients. Assume the next 3 patients go on other miscellarnous expenses. Everything right before and after lunch then goes to profit. Assume a full day is 8 hours of work and u can see 5 patients an hour, thats 22 patients worth of proft. Around 1100-1320 dollars a day. Now multiply that by 22 work days a month(5.5 day work week) and adjust slightly upward for higher fees on Saturday mornings. Basically equal to 24 days a month. That is around 25-30k a month on a reasomable footfall, with no scale and no locums hired to extend opening hours. Additionally, costs are yet to be optimised and one can also scale to more locations in the future. Not bad at all for a 28 year old
You can calculate and so can many others.
All think they can work that 1 or 2 hours extra, open that one evening extra to justify their higher rent.
End up all go out bid each other

Area with good footfall where can find 10k rent?
Easily double that.
Latest HDB tender I see 40 K per month bid for those new town

Normal gp clinic barrier of entry is low la.
MBBS , full reg can liao.
All get suckered into doing healthier SG and being at the beck and call of TPA.

And these few threads on aesthetics. All I can say is lolololo. Talk as if very easy U hang a signboard and people will come and money will roll. Same thing, barrier of entry is low, anyone with MBBS, full reg and coc can do liao.
U also more likely to do wrong things without a proper training program. I can do a lap app as a pgy 2 liao, but I sure as hell can't open up the abdomen to repair if I screw up. All is merry and well until U inject in the wrong place or let the laser linger a bit longer.
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  #8875 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 04:58 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Banker bro here so not doctor but I have thought that as well.
It may not be as relevant to you as I am considering UK vs Duke NUS.
But then all programs require a hefty amount to break the bond.

Feels that unless you are set on serving in public for 5y, you aren't really doing it cheaper considering liquidated damage plus tuition cost maybe slightly less than UK tuition only.
how old is banker bro going to be when you graduate from medical school? if you graduate from med school at 43, is it worth it? as you have said, you are entering it for a better lifestyle and money.
residency is not easy anywhere in the world.

if you are going into medicine for fun, then that would be a totally different scenario
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  #8876 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 05:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Singaporean here deciding between studying med in UK and singapore. Worried that if i study here may not be able to specialise because of how few specialty training seats there are. Plan is to specialise elsehwherre after medical school and then return to SG to hedge my risk. I am able to afford the UK but ofc would prefer to spend less and invest the money instead if possible. Also, if residency dosent work out and I study in the UK, i can have all the required aesthetics qualification and do aesthetics within 2-3 years of returning to SG but if i study at NTU, i would be in PHI for 6 years after med school due to the bond. Essentially I am asking which is the best option all things considered. The 300-350k difference in cost between the 2 schools, is it worht increasing my chances of being a specialist in sg or entering the private sector 3-4 years earlier?

ST4 psychiatry trainee here. I would recommend you to study in a uk/aussie medical school that has a good support system for US match. Because the odds are getting lower in the UK as well. The number of people applying to UK for training has quadrupled over the last 5 years.

For context, I only needed a MSRA score of 450 to be accepted, when I applied to core psych training in 2019. The minimum score needed is a crazy 530 for this year’s intake. So the competition has went up significantly. I foresee more doctors are gonna be stuck at non-training trust grade jobs after their FY2. So the situation will mirror that of SG, where you have to work as a non-training MO for some years before a training slot opens up to you.

You should consider the USA. It is still relatively easy for someone to match into internal med/peds. My classmate took this route. He’s now training in endo fellowship in the USA. Which is recognised by SG.

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  #8877 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 05:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Why no one talking about Radiology as a specialty here?
No patient contact, decent work hours, potentially able to work from home…
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  #8878 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 05:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
You can calculate and so can many others.
All think they can work that 1 or 2 hours extra, open that one evening extra to justify their higher rent.
End up all go out bid each other

Area with good footfall where can find 10k rent?
Easily double that.
Latest HDB tender I see 40 K per month bid for those new town

Normal gp clinic barrier of entry is low la.
MBBS , full reg can liao.
All get suckered into doing healthier SG and being at the beck and call of TPA.

And these few threads on aesthetics. All I can say is lolololo. Talk as if very easy U hang a signboard and people will come and money will roll. Same thing, barrier of entry is low, anyone with MBBS, full reg and coc can do liao.
U also more likely to do wrong things without a proper training program. I can do a lap app as a pgy 2 liao, but I sure as hell can't open up the abdomen to repair if I screw up. All is merry and well until U inject in the wrong place or let the laser linger a bit longer.
In fairness, polyclinic like increasing the barrier already. They no longer hire MBBS RP, need to have at least FP before they give you perm role. Hear from my boss may even increase to mmed in the near future.
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  #8879 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 06:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi, would like some advice here. Is it possible for a GP/FP to pivot from GP land into the CH/hospice industry? I am a FP, in late 30s, working in a CBD clinic for past 7+ years, seeing GP, health screening, and medical examination cases. Pay, working hours (5.5 day with no nights) is decent, but work is getting boring and meaningless at times. I was wondering if I want to change to working in a community hospital/hospice setting, where I feel work may be more meaningful and interesting, will it still be possible at my age, given that I worked largely in corporate clinic for past 7 years?
If I do get hired, what will likely be my role and pay? I do have mmed and mrcp, but that was completed almost 8 years ago now, was wondering if doing a grad dip in Geri or grm will help with my chances of employment?
If It is not possible for me to pivot, anyone knows if there are ways I can get involved in some sort of homecare/gericare/palliative care (perhaps even as a voluntary role), so that I can do something different from my daily routine?
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  #8880 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2024, 06:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi, would like some advice here. Is it possible for a GP/FP to pivot from GP land into the CH/hospice industry? I am a FP, in late 30s, working in a CBD clinic for past 7+ years, seeing GP, health screening, and medical examination cases. Pay, working hours (5.5 day with no nights) is decent, but work is getting boring and meaningless at times. I was wondering if I want to change to working in a community hospital/hospice setting, where I feel work may be more meaningful and interesting, will it still be possible at my age, given that I worked largely in corporate clinic for past 7 years?
If I do get hired, what will likely be my role and pay? I do have mmed and mrcp, but that was completed almost 8 years ago now, was wondering if doing a grad dip in Geri or grm will help with my chances of employment?
If It is not possible for me to pivot, anyone knows if there are ways I can get involved in some sort of homecare/gericare/palliative care (perhaps even as a voluntary role), so that I can do something different from my daily routine?

Why not pivot to aesthetics
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