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How is life as a doctor in Singapore?

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  #8671 (permalink)  
Old 20-11-2024, 07:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Tougher for their locals la.
You go as full fee paying international is compete amongst yourself for the full fee spots.
Already competing at second tier liao because first tier all nus/ntu or Cambridge/Oxford liao. Got money can't be can't find a UK or auzzie school that do not accept you. Unless U are that chui.
I find it v funny when I meet UK students who seem to think they are a pedigree. imperial got limited slots one you know, U think v easy to get in ah?
Declaration: I'm from a 3rd tier auzzie uni which is not even on the second schedule now. I never look down on anyone but I also dun pretend I'm cream of the local crop. I accept my lot in life and happy with what I have.
ur education explains ur thinking. What you said is true for Aussie unis because of the large number of international seats it’s actually harder to get in for a local than inyernational but the UK has very few local spots so it’s harder as an international than a local. U go loook at the UCAT cut offs for local vs international UK and u wll realise the cutoff for international is much higher.

What are you doing now anyway?

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  #8672 (permalink)  
Old 20-11-2024, 07:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ur education explains ur thinking. What you said is true for Aussie unis because of the large number of international seats it’s actually harder to get in for a local than inyernational but the UK has very few local spots so it’s harder as an international than a local. U go loook at the UCAT cut offs for local vs international UK and u wll realise the cutoff for international is much higher.

What are you doing now anyway?
'UK has very few local spots so it’s harder as an international than a local'
I went to imperial website and had a look.
74 or 20 percent of spots for internationals.
The pple that go compete there are those that didn't get into nus or ntu mah.
Is already 2nd tier group of Singaporeans that go there compete. If magically imperial for example charge Singapore's student the same rate as their UK counterpart, plus throw in free living , the entire crop of student who can get into nus and ntu go to imperial and compete, U think those who can get in now stand a chance?

Anyway, whatever la.
U happy believing U v good jiu hao.
No need to defend too much against a 3rd tier auzzie med grad like me.

What I'm doing? Something that 3rd tier grads do lor. Nothing exceptional like yourself.
Dun dare say, else U laugh ur socks off.

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  #8673 (permalink)  
Old 20-11-2024, 09:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There are 2 types that go into aesthetics.
Some really dedicated.
From start already decide then do relevant posting like derm, surgery, plastics etc.
Some even go learn human portraiture to learn about facial contours
Even so most will hang around the system while learning on the side.

Then there are the rest which is the majority.
Typical story is probably quite blur as HO. Then Mo time decide want to do a residency.
Try that particular competitive residency for 1 or 2 years.
Realise they suck and can't get in.
Hear say aesthetic can earn a lot.
Scramble do the coc.
Pay money to attend some fake American academy of aesthetic diploma
Then jump at whichever clinic happens to be hiring cheap man power.
80 percent failed to meet kpi, clinic do not retain them
10 percent go setup own aesthetic clinic. Of these 90 percent fail.
Become locum gp.

Around me I actually see more successful gp than esthetician Q1 di lei.

How can I differentiate a serious aesthetic Dr Vs someone who do it just because they can't do anything else? (Both from point of view as patient and employer)

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  #8674 (permalink)  
Old 20-11-2024, 09:38 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
'UK has very few local spots so it’s harder as an international than a local'
I went to imperial website and had a look.
74 or 20 percent of spots for internationals.
The pple that go compete there are those that didn't get into nus or ntu mah.
Is already 2nd tier group of Singaporeans that go there compete. If magically imperial for example charge Singapore's student the same rate as their UK counterpart, plus throw in free living , the entire crop of student who can get into nus and ntu go to imperial and compete, U think those who can get in now stand a chance?

Anyway, whatever la.
U happy believing U v good jiu hao.
No need to defend too much against a 3rd tier auzzie med grad like me.

What I'm doing? Something that 3rd tier grads do lor. Nothing exceptional like yourself.
Dun dare say, else U laugh ur socks off.
A lot of my friends back then, even those whose parents were doctors willingly chose to study overseas rather than being rejected then applying. The fact is only 30 percent of each batch gets into singapore residency and many of that consists of internal med and family med. Restricting yourself to only specialising in singapore isn’t a wise decision if u have the finances. Makes more sense to keep options flexible with regards to specialty training and residency. I’m an AC today but if not for my education and flexibility that may not have been possible if i had to compete for the very few residency spots. Might as well train get international exposure publications and opprutnies then make a decision. Why would someone default to a bonded state with limited flexibility if they had the financial ability to broaden their options?
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  #8676 (permalink)  
Old 21-11-2024, 12:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
'UK has very few local spots so it’s harder as an international than a local'
I went to imperial website and had a look.
74 or 20 percent of spots for internationals.
The pple that go compete there are those that didn't get into nus or ntu mah.
Is already 2nd tier group of Singaporeans that go there compete. If magically imperial for example charge Singapore's student the same rate as their UK counterpart, plus throw in free living , the entire crop of student who can get into nus and ntu go to imperial and compete, U think those who can get in now stand a chance?

Anyway, whatever la.
U happy believing U v good jiu hao.
No need to defend too much against a 3rd tier auzzie med grad like me.

What I'm doing? Something that 3rd tier grads do lor. Nothing exceptional like yourself.
Dun dare say, else U laugh ur socks off.
U do realise it isn’t just singaporean competing. There are a lot of applicants from Hong Kong, Taiwan and also International schools globally with IB scores. You are mindlessly looking at the number of seats rather than acceptance rate and competition ratios. The international student acceptance rates for these top med schools are even lower than local med school acceptance rates. Sure maybe you could make that claim about the lower tier med schools within the UK, but saying that about the top london schools and Edin is just uninformed
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  #8677 (permalink)  
Old 21-11-2024, 07:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
U do realise it isn’t just singaporean competing. There are a lot of applicants from Hong Kong, Taiwan and also International schools globally with IB scores. You are mindlessly looking at the number of seats rather than acceptance rate and competition ratios. The international student acceptance rates for these top med schools are even lower than local med school acceptance rates. Sure maybe you could make that claim about the lower tier med schools within the UK, but saying that about the top london schools and Edin is just uninformed
Same thing la.
Your hker, Taiwanese can get into their local U will want to spend extra money to go overseas uni to study?
Maybe a few because of the so called overseas exposure and opportunities that you are very insistent on.
Majority are still the second tier folks as compared to their home countries.

Unless U are telling me the entire cohort of overseas student in your elite uni all reject their home country university and then go apply. The only uni that probably is of this level is Cambridge and Oxford. The rest is meh.
To begin with, are U even accepted into nus or ntu or not?
If U are and U reject them , ok U pro.if not...shuddddup because everything you say is just an after event self justification.
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  #8678 (permalink)  
Old 21-11-2024, 07:47 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Same thing la.
Your hker, Taiwanese can get into their local U will want to spend extra money to go overseas uni to study?
Maybe a few because of the so called overseas exposure and opportunities that you are very insistent on.
Majority are still the second tier folks as compared to their home countries.

Unless U are telling me the entire cohort of overseas student in your elite uni all reject their home country university and then go apply. The only uni that probably is of this level is Cambridge and Oxford. The rest is meh.
To begin with, are U even accepted into nus or ntu or not?
If U are and U reject them , ok U pro.if not...shuddddup because everything you say is just an after event self justification.
Essentially your argument is it is harder for a local to get into their local medical school than for them to get into a overseas medical university.
Having said that, I have seen many of these "2nd tier folks" doing well in their careers. So not all hope is lost la. Many of my consultants, profs, hod all studied overseas (non Oxbridge)
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  #8679 (permalink)  
Old 21-11-2024, 10:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Essentially your argument is it is harder for a local to get into their local medical school than for them to get into a overseas medical university.
Having said that, I have seen many of these "2nd tier folks" doing well in their careers. So not all hope is lost la. Many of my consultants, profs, hod all studied overseas (non Oxbridge)
Ultimately, beyond the difficulty of just getting in. The quality of the education itself also matters. You have some of the most highly reputed profs in the world with brilliant students and great teaching hospitals. And end of the day, it’s not really the school that determines the success of one’s medical career. It’s the hard work, effort, likability and willingness to continue to develop oneself that is the main point of difference
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  #8680 (permalink)  
Old 21-11-2024, 11:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Essentially your argument is it is harder for a local to get into their local medical school than for them to get into a overseas medical university.
Having said that, I have seen many of these "2nd tier folks" doing well in their careers. So not all hope is lost la. Many of my consultants, profs, hod all studied overseas (non Oxbridge)
I'm from a 3rd tier auzzie uni.
Doing ok la I feel.
No shame to go overseas to study.
Just don't need to try to convince anyone else that ' oh , it's not ntu or nus reject me' or ' I'm from a elite UK uni that is higher ranked than nus or ntu hor'
Litmus test is what U end up exiting from, not where U graduate from
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