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How is life as a doctor in Singapore?

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  #4911 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 04:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Raffles or RMG. One female colleague doing jobsharing with another female colleague.

Now locum rates are as high as S$160. Just do regular shifts in different clinics is in a way anchoring at yr preferred timings i used to do that.
$160/hr good man!

Let's say work 8h a day 5 days a week 52 weeks a year = $160x8x5x52 = $332,800
Let's say work 8h a day 5 days a week 48 weeks a year = $160x8x5x48= $307,200
Let's say work 12h a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year = $160x12x7x52=$698,880
Let's say work (7am to 12MN everyday) 17h a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year = $160x17x7x52=$990,080 (STILL CANNOT HIT $1M!!!)


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  #4912 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 09:37 AM
Posts: n/a

S$160 per hr rates are quite rare. Usually S$100-120. Occ more. So won't be able to earn that much as a locum.

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  #4913 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 09:45 AM
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The only way to earn big money fast and safely is to invest in properties in Sg. Especially freehold landed or condos. They can make money while u sleep in a way like passive income. We have made a million dollars with our 2 previous properties that we live in and close to another million in the one we currently live in.

Earn a good income to secure a bank loan to invest in property. Most of the time, you won't go wrong. Do the asset progression from hdb to condo to landed andretire rich and possibly early too.

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  #4914 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am R3 and recently had career talk by polyclinic HR.
Pay is around 200-220k/year once you hit AC which is around 3-4 years post mmed. (May be longer as more and more residents exit)

This is the annual package inclusive of all bonus (AWS, performance bonus, service component, quality component, and junior FP award- 50k for 3 years), idea is that once junior FP award- ends, you will get the pay increment as you promote to AC.
- just listing to prove that I am not a troll.

I know most chain groups are offering 15-16k for 44hr/week contract (not 60hr), with average of ard 1 month bonus.(depending on your performance of course). I know as I am asking ard coz I am considering leaving in July once the programme ends.

I guess that's work up to ard 200k as well? (Some allow you to squeeze your hrs, i.e you can work 4 long days, and get 3 days off, instead of the non negotiable 5.5 days in ops- abeit you get alternative sat off)

I was told that ops constantly revise so that mmeder can get pay comparable to most 44hr/week gp outside, to avoid losing people.
Unfortunately, there will always be groups who would pay more, and they are unable to match the pay of aesthetics sadly.

At the end of the day, it's not just about retaining mmeders, its about encouraging more juniors and gdfm people to do mmed as well. (They will only do if the money is good I guess)

And the problem with public is that your career and hence pay is VERY dependent on qualifications (i.e mmed and subsequently fellowship), whereas in private, they generally pay you based on hrs you can work, and revenue you can generate. (Which I guess is better if you really have no confidence in your ability to pass mmed- like me sadly)
so not a troll.
Good ey.

1. To me, it just sound like you not confident in ability to pass otherwise u ok with a OPS career.

2. not entirely true about the qualification part.

3. if u can't pass then private gps $200K per annum is really not bad compared to your MO pay ( which isn't too bad TBH nowadays).

4. most lao jiao GDFMers dont do Their basic after a few years already match a M.meder. They only lose out 600 dollars from their GDFM vs a If they are senior FP , there is no difference.

5. i guess u sorted out the different pathway. Good to have a plan.

6. jiayou la. normal in r3 to feel cannot pass. Those feel very zai in R3 50% end up failing based on my experience. If u want to really pass, suggest u stay R4 in ops. That's when u really REALLY improve because everyone preparing u for it, u preparing for it also and got a team of batchmates cry together. You go private land, its yourself la-la ing away one. Go home after 1 long day without any driver, all u want to do is netflix and chill and after a while u begin to tell yourself this is not bad, aiyah , why work hard -> you have gone to the dark side liao.
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  #4915 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 02:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The only way to earn big money fast and safely is to invest in properties in Sg. Especially freehold landed or condos. They can make money while u sleep in a way like passive income. We have made a million dollars with our 2 previous properties that we live in and close to another million in the one we currently live in.

Earn a good income to secure a bank loan to invest in property. Most of the time, you won't go wrong. Do the asset progression from hdb to condo to landed andretire rich and possibly early too.
This is the way in Singapore.
Bank employees get preferntial rates and approvals for mortgages

But seriously this rise in property prices bodes ill for the future
Generations. Harder and harder now.
Can wages keep up?
Property is meant for living in. Not making investors rich.
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  #4916 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 02:29 PM
Posts: n/a

ppl flipping properties, meanwhile i’m struggling to pay off my apartment at 4.5% interest.

We doing the same job?
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  #4917 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Raffles or RMG. One female colleague doing jobsharing with another female colleague.

Now locum rates are as high as S$160. Just do regular shifts in different clinics is in a way anchoring at yr preferred timings i used to do that.
Care to share where to find these $160 jobs :0 i can only find 90-120 per hour. and last minute rates at most 130-140
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  #4918 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 02:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
so not a troll.
Good ey.

1. To me, it just sound like you not confident in ability to pass otherwise u ok with a OPS career.

2. not entirely true about the qualification part.

3. if u can't pass then private gps $200K per annum is really not bad compared to your MO pay ( which isn't too bad TBH nowadays).

4. most lao jiao GDFMers dont do Their basic after a few years already match a M.meder. They only lose out 600 dollars from their GDFM vs a If they are senior FP , there is no difference.

5. i guess u sorted out the different pathway. Good to have a plan.

6. jiayou la. normal in r3 to feel cannot pass. Those feel very zai in R3 50% end up failing based on my experience. If u want to really pass, suggest u stay R4 in ops. That's when u really REALLY improve because everyone preparing u for it, u preparing for it also and got a team of batchmates cry together. You go private land, its yourself la-la ing away one. Go home after 1 long day without any driver, all u want to do is netflix and chill and after a while u begin to tell yourself this is not bad, aiyah , why work hard -> you have gone to the dark side liao.
Why senior FP there is no difference? care to share
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  #4919 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 02:44 PM
Posts: n/a

I am a new GDFM FP. Can i check whats the base senior Fp salary for GDFM . There is only one senior FP GDFM in my clinic who is too senior for me to casually ask, rest have left.

I am not doing MMED due to personal reasons and family commitments.
I cant go private as i cant do nights as i have small kids.. feel abit stuck as GDFM FP.
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  #4920 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 03:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ppl flipping properties, meanwhile i’m struggling to pay off my apartment at 4.5% interest.

We doing the same job?
Must always ask the dr....what does your spouse do for a living?
Often answer might be lawyer or banker.
Why you call it apartment? You also overseas?
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