31-07-2018, 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
i have a massive crush on this girl from part b
but she is so much older than me and totally look like she gonna be wearing pantsuits and womens charter advocate in a few years time
Go for it mate
31-07-2018, 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
2) you're right i'm considering MC, at least for TC, but when you consider prices in light of Brexit + the impact Brexit is likely to have on many british legal sectors it's a lot less rosy + most importantly, Brexit will **** the pound crazy hard.
3) tbh out of all my work placements and all my firm dinners i've met exactly 3 non-Brits (2 associates 1 partner) so it's not great lul
2) I wouldn't worry too much about the effects of Brexit on the legal sector. English law is still widely used to govern contracts even where both parties aren't even based in the UK. While it may require firms to pivot their focus from Finance practices to more general Corp. and Disputes work, its hardly going to sink the industry as a whole.
Any initial dip in the pound come Brexit is likely to recover once the dust settles. Assuming you leave around 3PQE, that gives over 5 years for exchange rates to normalize.
3) Maybe you've just been unlucky with the firm representatives. I've seen plenty of international people in the industry, especially at the more junior stage.
31-07-2018, 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
2) you're right i'm considering MC, at least for TC, but when you consider prices in light of Brexit + the impact Brexit is likely to have on many british legal sectors it's a lot less rosy + most importantly, Brexit will **** the pound crazy hard.
3) tbh out of all my work placements and all my firm dinners i've met exactly 3 non-Brits (2 associates 1 partner) so it's not great lul
So to ameliorate the risk of a small island being on its own, you’re planning to move to an even smaller island that’s already on its own?
31-07-2018, 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
how old is old? if dont have fb and/or ig u better make sure she isn't already someones mother
rule of thumb is stay away from people with jd, they got their first degree before ur kukubird got hair.
Reading your kkb posts makes my day. Pls continue posting such entertaining posts.
01-08-2018, 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
1) As good as it may be in the Singapore market, its the equivalent of working in say Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill instead of A&G Singapore. Its always better to work where the shot callers are, especially for career progression and job security. E.g. in a financial downturn, do you think firm leaders will be more prepared to axe the lawyers a few doors down from them or those in a far flung (and most likely less profitable) office.
2) During your TC you might not be saving much more than in SG (largely due to housing costs - but do you really want to be living with your parents in SG until your early 30s?), but at NQ and above your salary will quickly outstrip those in SG. And if you can make it as partner at a top firm in London, your income will be astronomical compared to any SG firm.
3) Plenty of international people in London. Very cosmopolitan city.
Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill is unrelated to A&G Singapore. Try Rahmat Lim & Partners.
01-08-2018, 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
i have a massive crush on this girl from part b
but she is so much older than me and totally look like she gonna be wearing pantsuits and womens charter advocate in a few years time
try not to shag other people on the course. it makes it awkward if you don’t share stuff with them next time (other than your bodily fluids ofc)
01-08-2018, 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
Saw my law ex gf on tinder and CMB
Should I like her profile?
Pls don't marry another lawyer. Statstically likely to end up in an unhappy divorce. I know u think law girls r all there r but the world is much much bigger. I assure u by the time u hit senior associate u will be hot stuff among girls in other industries. Assuming u keep in shape of course
01-08-2018, 09:09 PM
There are 2 kinds of girls in law. They are either incredibly demure and reserved, or super extroverted and out there. I have yet to meet some one that is in between the 2. Moral of the story: don't strike off law girls altogether. Just look for the right ones, altho the irony is that these are probably not found on CMB or Tinder, and you probably won't meet one. LOL
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