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Expected salary compared to current salary

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 02:24 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2016
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sijia_lim is on a distinguished road
Default Expected salary compared to current salary

I went for interview with a company in the same industry and got a verbal offer from the hiring manager. Now HR is liaising with me regarding the package and they asked for my expected salary (I have given them my current payslip)

After researching on glassdoor I estimated the monthly salary for my position and years of experience in this company to be around 8k. However, my current salary in the current firm is only 5k (Feeling underpaid compared to industry was one of my reasons to jump).

Should I go ahead and quote 8k - which means a 60% raise? Would that be too unreasonable to ask?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 02:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
I went for interview with a company in the same industry and got a verbal offer from the hiring manager. Now HR is liaising with me regarding the package and they asked for my expected salary (I have given them my current payslip)

After researching on glassdoor I estimated the monthly salary for my position and years of experience in this company to be around 8k. However, my current salary in the current firm is only 5k (Feeling underpaid compared to industry was one of my reasons to jump).

Should I go ahead and quote 8k - which means a 60% raise? Would that be too unreasonable to ask?
Glassdoor would only be able to provide a rough estimate.. The actual salary could be dependent on a lot of other factors, such as # years of experience, size of company, etc. Unless you could provide those information, it'll be difficult for us to advise you.

In the absence of other information, my advice to you is to first judge whether you're in the position for 8k, and detail down the reasons. If you think $8k is reasonable, then call up the hiring manager and quote 8k, stating your reasons. If the hiring manager accepts, then good. However, chances are that the person would negotiate down. Hence, have a MINIMUM offer that you'll be willing to accept ready in your mind (e.g. $6.5k) before you make the call.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
I went for interview with a company in the same industry and got a verbal offer from the hiring manager. Now HR is liaising with me regarding the package and they asked for my expected salary (I have given them my current payslip)

After researching on glassdoor I estimated the monthly salary for my position and years of experience in this company to be around 8k. However, my current salary in the current firm is only 5k (Feeling underpaid compared to industry was one of my reasons to jump).

Should I go ahead and quote 8k - which means a 60% raise? Would that be too unreasonable to ask?
Would need to know your experience and tenure in existing company. 60% raise not really possible. Unless you are moving on to a managerial role? Need more info on your background as well. 5K to 8K not possible unless you are talking about moving to a contract role, or having a non bonus package etc. These could possibly be reasons to justify such huge increase. I think 6K to 6.5K would be more reasonable.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 06:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
I went for interview with a company in the same industry and got a verbal offer from the hiring manager. Now HR is liaising with me regarding the package and they asked for my expected salary (I have given them my current payslip)

After researching on glassdoor I estimated the monthly salary for my position and years of experience in this company to be around 8k. However, my current salary in the current firm is only 5k (Feeling underpaid compared to industry was one of my reasons to jump).

Should I go ahead and quote 8k - which means a 60% raise? Would that be too unreasonable to ask?
Most likely you will be laughed at even if you quote 30% increase at 6.5k. Generally for mid careers 15-20% is the norm.

Dangers of saying 60% expectations is that the co. might drop you altogether, because they are going to think even if they offer 6k you are not committed and just want to use the offer to jump to another 8k job.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 06:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
I went for interview with a company in the same industry and got a verbal offer from the hiring manager. Now HR is liaising with me regarding the package and they asked for my expected salary (I have given them my current payslip)

After researching on glassdoor I estimated the monthly salary for my position and years of experience in this company to be around 8k. However, my current salary in the current firm is only 5k (Feeling underpaid compared to industry was one of my reasons to jump).

Should I go ahead and quote 8k - which means a 60% raise? Would that be too unreasonable to ask?
Glassdoor works by job titles, very unreliable gauge. It is very common for the same job title in many companies to have a very wide range. For e.g. in a bank VP can range from 7k to 25k depending on experience and type of job. If you just hantum 60% raise and justify by saying you read from glassdoor, they will blacklist you as not serious and just out to try your luck for a quick buck.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 07:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
I went for interview with a company in the same industry and got a verbal offer from the hiring manager. Now HR is liaising with me regarding the package and they asked for my expected salary (I have given them my current payslip)

After researching on glassdoor I estimated the monthly salary for my position and years of experience in this company to be around 8k. However, my current salary in the current firm is only 5k (Feeling underpaid compared to industry was one of my reasons to jump).

Should I go ahead and quote 8k - which means a 60% raise? Would that be too unreasonable to ask?
You're already on the higher range for a 2 year+ Ops Analyst; so you will need solid justification for your 8k and making sure there are no other considerable candidates (usually there always is).
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 09:51 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2016
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sijia_lim is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Glassdoor works by job titles, very unreliable gauge. It is very common for the same job title in many companies to have a very wide range. For e.g. in a bank VP can range from 7k to 25k depending on experience and type of job. If you just hantum 60% raise and justify by saying you read from glassdoor, they will blacklist you as not serious and just out to try your luck for a quick buck.
To clarify I researched for the company I applied to/got the offer from and the position they offered me is reported to have monthly salary of 8-9k. In the industry it is known that my current company underpays because they are less well-known/considered tier 2.

On one hand I don't want to ruin the opportunity by quoting sth too high, but on the other hand I don't want to put myself in a situation when after joining I'd find out that people in the same position doing the same job are being paid higher
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 23-07-2016, 11:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
To clarify I researched for the company I applied to/got the offer from and the position they offered me is reported to have monthly salary of 8-9k. In the industry it is known that my current company underpays because they are less well-known/considered tier 2.

On one hand I don't want to ruin the opportunity by quoting sth too high, but on the other hand I don't want to put myself in a situation when after joining I'd find out that people in the same position doing the same job are being paid higher
How do you even know its the same position except by job title? For e.g. in my company we have a job called Principal Engineer. Some are paid 5-6k while some specialist and experienced ones get close to 20k. If you go to glassdoor, it will report Principal Engineer is 11500, but for a little experience guy applying for the job, do you think my company will accept if he ask for 11500?

Also it is standard industry practice to ask for 15-20% increase, maybe up to 25% if the position is bigger or you have some special skill the company needs. You can come up with whatever theory you like (my co. underpaid, glassdoor number higher etc.), end of the day for an ordinary guy to ask for 60% based on just these 2 reason is a joke. HR will tell you to FO and blacklist you.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 24-07-2016, 03:04 AM
Posts: n/a

interesting question.
not sure what industry you are in.
let's say right now you are applying for a bouncer job.
fine. but do you have the following gongfu?
1) 六脉神剑
2) 九阳真经
3) 北冥神功
4) and most importantly 降龙十八掌 !

if you tell the hiring manager you only reach taekwondo red belt,
then I advise you to stick on to $5000 in the new job, for the time being.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 24-07-2016, 11:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sijia_lim View Post
To clarify I researched for the company I applied to/got the offer from and the position they offered me is reported to have monthly salary of 8-9k. In the industry it is known that my current company underpays because they are less well-known/considered tier 2.

On one hand I don't want to ruin the opportunity by quoting sth too high, but on the other hand I don't want to put myself in a situation when after joining I'd find out that people in the same position doing the same job are being paid higher
The choice is your.

In current industry and market trend, increment for job is 10 to 15%. Do you think the hiring manager is expecting a candidate to be in for 60% increment, as you have mentioned you are moving from tier 2 to tier 1. By the way, employee budget is also the hiring manager consideration.

Unless, unless your hiring manager is your best friend, buddy and he already have told you no problem then you should quote for 8k.

Again, choice is your.
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