OCBC Graduate Talent Programme 2019 (Previously Young Banker) - Page 77 - Salary.sg Forums
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OCBC Graduate Talent Programme 2019 (Previously Young Banker)

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  #761 (permalink)  
Old 23-05-2021, 11:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
MA here.

it's to make sure MAs don't leave the bank, after so much resources has been spent on our training and whatnot.

and yes, anyway the M rank is just a rank, doesn't mean ****, doesn't mean you are actually managing anyone other than yourself.
Yep. Local bank titles are inflated because half the bank are AVPs, and M6 doesn't manage anyone except for herself. Not just Managers but Some AVPs have no one reporting to them as well. Also agree that the bank pays to prevent brain drain. Doesn't make sense to invest so much in your MAs only to have them poached by another employer. It's like being suckered because you spend so much time and money only to have a competitor swoop in and say thanks dude for saving me the trouble of training this guy up. Also GTs are NOT MAs. The programme is called Graduate Talent Programme (formerly Young Bankers Programme). However, there was a programme a few years back by OCBC that was literally called Post Graduate Management Associate (PGMA) programme. This programme no longer exists today. Apparently I heard it's because the post-programme attrition rate was ridiculously high. OCBC being a local bank will always struggle to retain top talent. The culture in an international bank or MNC is way more dynamic and meritocratic. People care less about face and seniority. Local banks are also known to keep their staff even in bad times, such as the current covid crisis. Retrenchment is practically unheard of. This is a double-edged sword, for while staff morale is kept high, top performers will not be paid what they're truly worth, because funds that would otherwise be used to reward these stars are diverted to keep cows. In a more competitive firm, such cows are shed like ballast during a storm so top performers can continue to be paid top dollar, and this serves to attract the top performers in other firms. According to my sources, this is already happening in the local banks. Tiagong DBS tech side is losing alot of staff after paying terrible bonuses and increments....

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  #762 (permalink)  
Old 23-05-2021, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yep. Local bank titles are inflated because half the bank are AVPs, and M6 doesn't manage anyone except for herself. Not just Managers but Some AVPs have no one reporting to them as well. Also agree that the bank pays to prevent brain drain. Doesn't make sense to invest so much in your MAs only to have them poached by another employer. It's like being suckered because you spend so much time and money only to have a competitor swoop in and say thanks dude for saving me the trouble of training this guy up. Also GTs are NOT MAs. The programme is called Graduate Talent Programme (formerly Young Bankers Programme). However, there was a programme a few years back by OCBC that was literally called Post Graduate Management Associate (PGMA) programme. This programme no longer exists today. Apparently I heard it's because the post-programme attrition rate was ridiculously high. OCBC being a local bank will always struggle to retain top talent. The culture in an international bank or MNC is way more dynamic and meritocratic. People care less about face and seniority. Local banks are also known to keep their staff even in bad times, such as the current covid crisis. Retrenchment is practically unheard of. This is a double-edged sword, for while staff morale is kept high, top performers will not be paid what they're truly worth, because funds that would otherwise be used to reward these stars are diverted to keep cows. In a more competitive firm, such cows are shed like ballast during a storm so top performers can continue to be paid top dollar, and this serves to attract the top performers in other firms. According to my sources, this is already happening in the local banks. Tiagong DBS tech side is losing alot of staff after paying terrible bonuses and increments....
GTP is an MA program, just look at their career page. But who really cares on the actual number of M6 and AVP, and the number of people reporting under you, so long as the pay commensurates with the title? Why do more work than necessary?

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  #763 (permalink)  
Old 23-05-2021, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yep. Local bank titles are inflated because half the bank are AVPs, and M6 doesn't manage anyone except for herself. Not just Managers but Some AVPs have no one reporting to them as well. Also agree that the bank pays to prevent brain drain. Doesn't make sense to invest so much in your MAs only to have them poached by another employer. It's like being suckered because you spend so much time and money only to have a competitor swoop in and say thanks dude for saving me the trouble of training this guy up. Also GTs are NOT MAs. The programme is called Graduate Talent Programme (formerly Young Bankers Programme). However, there was a programme a few years back by OCBC that was literally called Post Graduate Management Associate (PGMA) programme. This programme no longer exists today. Apparently I heard it's because the post-programme attrition rate was ridiculously high. OCBC being a local bank will always struggle to retain top talent. The culture in an international bank or MNC is way more dynamic and meritocratic. People care less about face and seniority. Local banks are also known to keep their staff even in bad times, such as the current covid crisis. Retrenchment is practically unheard of. This is a double-edged sword, for while staff morale is kept high, top performers will not be paid what they're truly worth, because funds that would otherwise be used to reward these stars are diverted to keep cows. In a more competitive firm, such cows are shed like ballast during a storm so top performers can continue to be paid top dollar, and this serves to attract the top performers in other firms. According to my sources, this is already happening in the local banks. Tiagong DBS tech side is losing alot of staff after paying terrible bonuses and increments....
GTP is an MA program, just look at their career page. But who really cares on the actual number of M6 and AVP, and the number of people reporting under you, so long as the pay commensurates with the title? Why do more work than necessary? Just dont understand some people

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  #764 (permalink)  
Old 23-05-2021, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
GTP is an MA program, just look at their career page. But who really cares on the actual number of M6 and AVP, and the number of people reporting under you, so long as the pay commensurates with the title? Why do more work than necessary? Just dont understand some people
I don't mind if whole bank is AVP as long as I'm paid AVP salary lol!!!
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  #765 (permalink)  
Old 23-05-2021, 04:57 PM
Posts: n/a

You all dk salary forums anon trolls here very hardworking one meh?
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  #766 (permalink)  
Old 24-05-2021, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
GTP is an MA program, just look at their career page. But who really cares on the actual number of M6 and AVP, and the number of people reporting under you, so long as the pay commensurates with the title? Why do more work than necessary? Just dont understand some people
But pay is not commensurate with title.... can check Glassdoor to compare AVP rank with Citi and HSBC. AVP in OCBC is only around Senior Associate in DBS....
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  #767 (permalink)  
Old 24-05-2021, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
But pay is not commensurate with title.... can check Glassdoor to compare AVP rank with Citi and HSBC. AVP in OCBC is only around Senior Associate in DBS....
exactly.. which is why OCBC inflates the title and makes all the graduate-wannabe feel wanted and respected with the "avp" title after just 2 years of experience haha. The likes of DBS, UOB, and even foreign banks like JPM, Citi, CS are more representative

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  #768 (permalink)  
Old 24-05-2021, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
But pay is not commensurate with title.... can check Glassdoor to compare AVP rank with Citi and HSBC. AVP in OCBC is only around Senior Associate in DBS....
Take operations for example, DBS senior associate draws around 6.5k while AVP5 draws around 8k, how is this comparable? But no point arguing with trolls - yes its similar!!
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  #769 (permalink)  
Old 24-05-2021, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
exactly.. which is why OCBC inflates the title and makes all the graduate-wannabe feel wanted and respected with the "avp" title after just 2 years of experience haha. The likes of DBS, UOB, and even foreign banks like JPM, Citi, CS are more representative
No point agruing with trolls, just agree with them!

Yes troll, you are absolutely right!
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  #770 (permalink)  
Old 24-05-2021, 11:06 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
exactly.. which is why OCBC inflates the title and makes all the graduate-wannabe feel wanted and respected with the "avp" title after just 2 years of experience haha. The likes of DBS, UOB, and even foreign banks like JPM, Citi, CS are more representative
OCBC gives AVP title around 2 to 3 years after the GTP though, so thats about 4 to 5 years of experience
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