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Hospital (Private or Public) Designation and Salary Range

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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 20-05-2022, 05:43 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2021
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ChalkGunner is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi, thanks for the info, it's very helpful. May I know how many years you take to get promoted from JG12 to JG13? I'm currently at JG 13 in singhealth and it's my 7th year.. I doubt I will get promoted in the next coming years.
SingHealth administrative family promotion seems slower. Anecdotally, while I was there in a contract role, I knew of many who had been at JG11 or JG12 for some time (>2yrs). My own trajectory at NHG was much faster (JG11 for 1yr, JG12 for 1.5yr, JG13 at current).

Assuming this was your first job out of graduation, and it's your 7th year at SingHealth, and you've been promoted twice so far, you're pretty much par for the course in my view. Again, this is purely conjecture without any further information than what you've given.

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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 20-05-2022, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by ChalkGunner View Post
SingHealth administrative family promotion seems slower. Anecdotally, while I was there in a contract role, I knew of many who had been at JG11 or JG12 for some time (>2yrs). My own trajectory at NHG was much faster (JG11 for 1yr, JG12 for 1.5yr, JG13 at current).

Assuming this was your first job out of graduation, and it's your 7th year at SingHealth, and you've been promoted twice so far, you're pretty much par for the course in my view. Again, this is purely conjecture without any further information than what you've given.
Hi thanks for the information. You are very lucky. Your promotion is one of the fastest I have came across in this industry. I'm a AHP. This is my second job, I started off at JG 13 due to higher qualifications but got low balled by HR so I didn't get any salary increment when I joined. 7 years later at mid 30s, I'm only drawing slightly more than $5K which is way below market rate for my post grad qualifications and job grade. I felt really bummed, I tried changing industry (still requiring the same type of deg, just different field), but can't find any suitable job, most are contracts, or either that increment and bonus also not fantastic. I can't switch to other hospital as well cos there's no pay increment.

My colleague started off at JG 10 and he reached JG 13 at his 13th year, another colleague got promoted from JG 11 to JG 12, took her 7 years.. Not sure is it just my department, but promotion is extremely slow. Unless you are a high flyer, you probably have to wait at least 5 to 10 years before you are promoted. Some may never get to be promoted cos they don't need so many JG 14, 15 in the section, unless your senior leave.

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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 20-05-2022, 10:43 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2021
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ChalkGunner is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi thanks for the information. You are very lucky. Your promotion is one of the fastest I have came across in this industry. I'm a AHP. This is my second job, I started off at JG 13 due to higher qualifications but got low balled by HR so I didn't get any salary increment when I joined. 7 years later at mid 30s, I'm only drawing slightly more than $5K which is way below market rate for my post grad qualifications and job grade. I felt really bummed, I tried changing industry (still requiring the same type of deg, just different field), but can't find any suitable job, most are contracts, or either that increment and bonus also not fantastic. I can't switch to other hospital as well cos there's no pay increment.

My colleague started off at JG 10 and he reached JG 13 at his 13th year, another colleague got promoted from JG 11 to JG 12, took her 7 years.. Not sure is it just my department, but promotion is extremely slow. Unless you are a high flyer, you probably have to wait at least 5 to 10 years before you are promoted. Some may never get to be promoted cos they don't need so many JG 14, 15 in the section, unless your senior leave.
Yes, am thankful for my progression. Seems like AHP is really tough in terms of progression. I know of a friend who left for private after a 3yr stint.

One good thing about healthcare package is that bonus is big, usually 3mth (variable+performance bonus)+ 13mth/AWS. But higher base is always better in my view.

I think no increment between healthcare is a bit of a myth. My own experience was that I received slight increment moving between healthcare institutions. But it's very slight, about 5% or so. Wishing you all the best in your career.

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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 20-05-2022, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi thanks for the information. You are very lucky. Your promotion is one of the fastest I have came across in this industry. I'm a AHP. This is my second job, I started off at JG 13 due to higher qualifications but got low balled by HR so I didn't get any salary increment when I joined. 7 years later at mid 30s, I'm only drawing slightly more than $5K which is way below market rate for my post grad qualifications and job grade. I felt really bummed, I tried changing industry (still requiring the same type of deg, just different field), but can't find any suitable job, most are contracts, or either that increment and bonus also not fantastic. I can't switch to other hospital as well cos there's no pay increment.

My colleague started off at JG 10 and he reached JG 13 at his 13th year, another colleague got promoted from JG 11 to JG 12, took her 7 years.. Not sure is it just my department, but promotion is extremely slow. Unless you are a high flyer, you probably have to wait at least 5 to 10 years before you are promoted. Some may never get to be promoted cos they don't need so many JG 14, 15 in the section, unless your senior leave.
ahp and pharmacy has virtually no progression. if u really want progression, join admin side which many in your situation has done so.

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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2022, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by ChalkGunner View Post
Yes, am thankful for my progression. Seems like AHP is really tough in terms of progression. I know of a friend who left for private after a 3yr stint.

One good thing about healthcare package is that bonus is big, usually 3mth (variable+performance bonus)+ 13mth/AWS. But higher base is always better in my view.

I think no increment between healthcare is a bit of a myth. My own experience was that I received slight increment moving between healthcare institutions. But it's very slight, about 5% or so. Wishing you all the best in your career.
Yes many AHP has left, if you are joining private, you have to ask for a higher base salary, as private does not give out as much bonus as public hospitals.

I heard singhealth cluster bonus is on the lower side. PB is only 2.5months for B graders, and this extra bonus (not sure is it the variable bonus) is only up til $550. So our average annual package is about 15.5 months.

I think it depend on the different hospitals,at least for my HR, we don't offer pay increment. We will inform candidates during the interview, if the candidates are currently working in another public hospitals.
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2022, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ahp and pharmacy has virtually no progression. if u really want progression, join admin side which many in your situation has done so.

Yes I regretted joining healthcare, the pay is not worth it, progression and pay is not as good as other sector, even civil service pays much better. We tried to make ourselves heard during the annual employee engagement survey and town halls, but only gotten patronising replies from the higher ups.

So for those wants to join healthcare sector, pls think very carefully. I have seen many people left over the years.
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2022, 01:28 PM
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Anyone knows if the salary range for AHP and admin side are the same? In other words, JG13 of AHP and JG13 of admin shares the same salary range? How about bonus? Does a B grade admin gets the same amount of bonus as B grade AHP? Why I'm asking cos I'm a AHP and am thinking of switching to admin side.

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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2022, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ChalkGunner View Post
Yes, am thankful for my progression. Seems like AHP is really tough in terms of progression. I know of a friend who left for private after a 3yr stint.

One good thing about healthcare package is that bonus is big, usually 3mth (variable+performance bonus)+ 13mth/AWS. But higher base is always better in my view.

I think no increment between healthcare is a bit of a myth. My own experience was that I received slight increment moving between healthcare institutions. But it's very slight, about 5% or so. Wishing you all the best in your career.
Share my personal career progression in healthcare.
I joined Jurong Health as a AHP since I was fresh graduate for 8 years.
In between my 8 years, I did part time Master too.

I got promoted thrice during 8 years even though I achieved the highest grade every year.
Sadly, my salary didnt even hit 6K after 8 years.

Left healthcare in 2019, got a 30% increment.
PLEASE don't joined healthcare if you are looking for money...unless u r joining as a doctor.
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2022, 02:45 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Share my personal career progression in healthcare.
I joined Jurong Health as a AHP since I was fresh graduate for 8 years.
In between my 8 years, I did part time Master too.

I got promoted thrice during 8 years even though I achieved the highest grade every year.
Sadly, my salary didnt even hit 6K after 8 years.

Left healthcare in 2019, got a 30% increment.
PLEASE don't joined healthcare if you are looking for money...unless u r joining as a doctor.
May I know which sector did you join then? How is it you managed to get a 30% increment? I tried looking elsewhere but I have not gotten any offer that is more than 10%increment. I have been working in this hospital for close to 7 years, total of 12 years working experience but my salary is just $5K..
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2022, 02:52 PM
Posts: n/a

what is a starting pay for exec in public healthcare right now?

Is 3200-3300 reasonable for guy with NS? or should be asking more.

as GES says starting pay is 3800 now
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