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  #4071 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 03:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Moral of the story is. don't ya ya papaya

what goes around comes around

all the techie start ups like indeed last time think they hot s__t get high pay so eng. truth is high pay only because their start up burn rate is high due to low interest environment of venture capital seeking quick returns.

they dont actually produce anything marketable. now all homeless need to beg boring ol govtech for job like refugeee.

LOL, these "homeless ya ya papaya refugees" still got severance that is your year's salary, still get hired 2+ levels higher than u, still get paid 2+ levels more than u, still become the ppl sitting on the committee deciding whether u get ur promotion or not, while u sit here calling them homeless. Very sad leh u. Don't sour grapes lah 😀

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  #4072 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Woah 8.5k is base only right? Or you counted it like [(annual + bonus) / 12]?
2k increment with AWS component added in, is a lot.
No la.just pure salary only. MDR, aws as I know

Yeah I was shocked. But glad im drawing a decent salary

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  #4073 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 08:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Techies, do yr RO/ISM make you all bao ka liao?
E.g. PM do BA and vice versa? Funny ley like that how to focus on competencies and do what I want to do ley

Then hor, what should I do if RO continue to sit on things even when timeline is going to slip…?

Very curious to know other techies exp
Shouldn't be. Because PM focus on different thing such as financial, procurement and timeline of a project

BA does everything else. Functionality. Support etc

And are u at services or HQ?

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  #4074 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 08:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Aiyo why so buay song about the ex-indeed folks? I know quite a number of people from both indeed and govtech. Not in either company myself but have interviewed people from both groups before.

You think that govtech did them a charity, but really, these are talented people who could have gone else where if they wanted to. They can contemplate leaving ... because they can.

If you think that's unfair - could you have gone somewhere better? The shitty answer is that you probably have no ability to do so. Easier to blame others for your situation, but it's not going to help you.

Is it entirely your fault for sucking after all these years? No - not at all. Govtech processes simply sucks. Your career progression is based on "years of experience" rather than an individual's ability. What incentive is there for people to go the extra mile? You compete with your peers for a position in the performance stack rank - what incentive is there for you to help your coworkers be better?

I think that new processes, new culture - driven by orgs like ogp and ex-indeed - will paint the new path forward. It is an investment that will benefit everyone in govtech.

Not happy - leave loh.

Thats why ppl like u, never think of improving the current process. Not happy just leave? We are happy here. We want to progress here. We want to grow here.

But we are upset this was done quietly , no introduction no nothing. What does it says about transparency? What does other govtechies feel?

Look at the bigger picture
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  #4075 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 12:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
lol no one cares. nerds and codemonkeys are not impt in sinkieland. only doktor lawler and bankers r impt. more cheap FT coders and techies to replace sinkies even better
very true. at the high end, tech jobs especially management track go to FT expat amdk

at the low end, tech jobs go to cheaper 3rd world FTs.

only the middle grunts are sinkies. the tech ecosystem's end state is really to offshore to cheap countries where cost of production is low and to run sinkies out of a job.
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  #4076 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 06:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Aiyo why so buay song about the ex-indeed folks? I know quite a number of people from both indeed and govtech. Not in either company myself but have interviewed people from both groups before.

You think that govtech did them a charity, but really, these are talented people who could have gone else where if they wanted to. They can contemplate leaving ... because they can.

If you think that's unfair - could you have gone somewhere better? The shitty answer is that you probably have no ability to do so. Easier to blame others for your situation, but it's not going to help you.

Is it entirely your fault for sucking after all these years? No - not at all. Govtech processes simply sucks. Your career progression is based on "years of experience" rather than an individual's ability. What incentive is there for people to go the extra mile? You compete with your peers for a position in the performance stack rank - what incentive is there for you to help your coworkers be better?

I think that new processes, new culture - driven by orgs like ogp and ex-indeed - will paint the new path forward. It is an investment that will benefit everyone in govtech.

Not happy - leave loh.
You ask why so buay song, but you not from govtech. Then why talk so much?
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  #4077 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 11:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Aiyo why so buay song about the ex-indeed folks? I know quite a number of people from both indeed and govtech. Not in either company myself but have interviewed people from both groups before.

You think that govtech did them a charity, but really, these are talented people who could have gone else where if they wanted to. They can contemplate leaving ... because they can.

If you think that's unfair - could you have gone somewhere better? The shitty answer is that you probably have no ability to do so. Easier to blame others for your situation, but it's not going to help you.

Is it entirely your fault for sucking after all these years? No - not at all. Govtech processes simply sucks. Your career progression is based on "years of experience" rather than an individual's ability. What incentive is there for people to go the extra mile? You compete with your peers for a position in the performance stack rank - what incentive is there for you to help your coworkers be better?

I think that new processes, new culture - driven by orgs like ogp and ex-indeed - will paint the new path forward. It is an investment that will benefit everyone in govtech.

Not happy - leave loh.
Not sure why my previous comment was under review but here it go

I think its easier said than done. We govtechies stay because we want to see govtech grow. We govtehies are upset because its not equal chance for the rest of us who put in equal if not more effort during our service.

If they really are good, then announce it to the rest of the folks.but no, it was done quietly. So yes, we are upset and its super unfair
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  #4078 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 11:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Red face Upset

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Aiyo why so buay song about the ex-indeed folks? I know quite a number of people from both indeed and govtech. Not in either company myself but have interviewed people from both groups before.

You think that govtech did them a charity, but really, these are talented people who could have gone else where if they wanted to. They can contemplate leaving ... because they can.

If you think that's unfair - could you have gone somewhere better? The shitty answer is that you probably have no ability to do so. Easier to blame others for your situation, but it's not going to help you.

Is it entirely your fault for sucking after all these years? No - not at all. Govtech processes simply sucks. Your career progression is based on "years of experience" rather than an individual's ability. What incentive is there for people to go the extra mile? You compete with your peers for a position in the performance stack rank - what incentive is there for you to help your coworkers be better?

I think that new processes, new culture - driven by orgs like ogp and ex-indeed - will paint the new path forward. It is an investment that will benefit everyone in govtech.

Not happy - leave loh.
Not sure why my previous comment was under review but here it go

I think its easier said than done. We govtechies stay because we want to see govtech grow. We govtehies are ups3t because its not equal chance for the rest of us who put in equal if not more effort during our service.

If they really are good, then announce it to the rest of the folks.but no, it was done quietly. So yes, we are upset and its super unf@ir
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  #4079 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 11:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Not sure why my previous comment was under review but here it go

I think its easier said than done. We govtechies stay because we want to see govtech grow. We govtehies are upset because its not equal chance for the rest of us who put in equal if not more effort during our service.

If they really are good, then announce it to the rest of the folks.but no, it was done quietly. So yes, we are upset and its super unfair
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  #4080 (permalink)  
Old 17-09-2023, 11:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Not sure why my previous comment was under review but here it go

I think its easier said than done. We govtechies stay because we want to see govtech grow. We govtehies are upset because its not equal chance for the rest of us who put in equal if not more effort during our service.

If they really are good, then announce it to the rest of the folks.but no, it was done quietly. So yes, we are upset and its super unfair
Replying to the not happy then leave post

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