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HTX (Home Team Science and Technology Agency)

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  #1121 (permalink)  
Old 14-01-2025, 11:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Hello fellow xponents, hearsay ranking done already. It is true? Some already their bosses inform them what grading they get. But my RO still keeping silence. Always never comms to me. Need find out myself from the portal many months later. So is it true ranking already know?

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  #1122 (permalink)  
Old 17-01-2025, 08:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yup, why not... Don't forget here is not mindef/dsta
LOL isn't everything in mindef and dsta outsourced?

I think they're worse hahah. Outsourcing national defense. And they toot their own horns to say they are the best. I think best at wasting taxpayer money la. All jiak liao bee.

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  #1123 (permalink)  
Old 17-01-2025, 08:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi just saw the opening for HTX associate programme. what is that and what is the difference between HTX associate and HTX full time staff?
Associate is better paid slave
Normal full time is slave.

I'd recommend you go elsewhere if you don't get associate program.

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  #1124 (permalink)  
Old 17-01-2025, 08:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
One of the most ridiculous things I've seen during one of those openhouse is the automatic driving car deployed in prisons. They made a booth showcasing this automatic driving car, so I asked the system owner whether the software was developed by HTX, he said no. So did HTX did something to the hardware such that it can be deployed as a autonomous vehicle? Again, answer is no. So basically everything is outsourced, from hardware to software. HTX is only responsible for purchasing and to choose the purple paint / vinyl on the vehicle.

Same thing for the drone project that they are so proud of. Asked what was developed inhouse for that project, nothing. Hardware and software fully by external party.

Honestly it is pretty embarrassing for an agency claiming to be in the S&T industry.
Which drone project is this? Got alot of drone project leh. Here drone there also drone. Some drone big, some drone small. Some drone auto, some drone manual.
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  #1125 (permalink)  
Old 18-01-2025, 01:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down wah bro my friend i think intern under same team

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
not that no chance but my supervisor was a new scholar and can say they give a lot more chance and less scrutiny to scholar. our team was making this llm with multimodal capabilities like chatgpt 4o, and so we advertised a lot saying its the first of its kind and all that. but by the time we release, actually many vendor and open source doing better than that already. but because our director already say so much about it, then release an academic paper about it somemore and because got a big scholar behind it, everyone just ignore. on the contrary when another team member also in this same team faced similar issue, the management kind of just dismissed his work because not beating open source models. so kind of double standard but makes sense lah scholar must push up.

theyre still great people and working with them very fun. But actually when i was left, i downloaded their whole GitHub repo. i also dk why they never make it more private. i got mention it as a safety issue but they say they trust but i wonder if someone more malicious then how? anyway then i was looking through and saw that most of their products like the llm products that help with resume screening etc and the computer vision detection systems code all like can be done by vendors already leh. so the good thing is, for some teams, they are in business because of this.

so tldr is got chance but dont be surprised if they more easily impressed by scholar.
recently, my friend also intern under that team with the scholar. q team #3 or soemthing. i was in another division and he keep telling me q team stories. basically this q team 3 produce a lot of thing but never compare w vendor cause their always lose. my team worked dam hard to vuild and everytime the ace and ce will ask how it is against vendor and if a bit off they say we go with vendor. but because the q team got the special scholar cannot question too much if not nothing produced.

but ok that aside they anyhow will hire as many intern as possible. my friend say got some year 1 intern who dont know anything one but because know how to smoke and is under the scholar guy and must save face. the team dont know but the y1 intern's output was just a google colab they find online and pass as their own over few weeks. q smart but scholar barely got time for all the intern so he just accept also. friend said their team cannot learn anything much because some of the scholar type very busy then because they scholar must put many intern so that they can show they do many projects. then get promotion quickquick. then he publish all the sensitive project info on google drive lmao. they scold my team for putting info online but q scholar do same thing they close eyes. u say u downloaded there github but my friend downloaded all their project files from the server they also dont know. they have some measure but with the online guides easy to overcome apparenly. he did because the other projwcts interesting code all so incase ever need in the future, he download. but see scholar boy so no need to worry about any repercussions.

interns still go cause htx is govt so good on resume. but wah that team one day if cannot hire cheap labour they will suffer one. plus need to fix there securty.
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  #1126 (permalink)  
Old 18-01-2025, 10:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Why autonomous vehicles?

Bcoz many young people do not have driving license.

Why? The Covid years caused a huge backlog.

And the driving schools are not increasing their capacity as it is a temporary issue.
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  #1127 (permalink)  
Old 18-01-2025, 12:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
recently, my friend also intern under that team with the scholar. q team #3 or soemthing. i was in another division and he keep telling me q team stories. basically this q team 3 produce a lot of thing but never compare w vendor cause their always lose. my team worked dam hard to vuild and everytime the ace and ce will ask how it is against vendor and if a bit off they say we go with vendor. but because the q team got the special scholar cannot question too much if not nothing produced.

but ok that aside they anyhow will hire as many intern as possible. my friend say got some year 1 intern who dont know anything one but because know how to smoke and is under the scholar guy and must save face. the team dont know but the y1 intern's output was just a google colab they find online and pass as their own over few weeks. q smart but scholar barely got time for all the intern so he just accept also. friend said their team cannot learn anything much because some of the scholar type very busy then because they scholar must put many intern so that they can show they do many projects. then get promotion quickquick. then he publish all the sensitive project info on google drive lmao. they scold my team for putting info online but q scholar do same thing they close eyes. u say u downloaded there github but my friend downloaded all their project files from the server they also dont know. they have some measure but with the online guides easy to overcome apparenly. he did because the other projwcts interesting code all so incase ever need in the future, he download. but see scholar boy so no need to worry about any repercussions.

interns still go cause htx is govt so good on resume. but wah that team one day if cannot hire cheap labour they will suffer one. plus need to fix there securty.
Listen to the golden advice from parents. Do well for your A levels, get your scholarship. Afterwards your brains is only of secondary importance to your career. Your bosses will plan you for success because that is their KPI.
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  #1128 (permalink)  
Old 18-01-2025, 03:22 PM
Posts: n/a

what is the % increment when engineer promote to lead engineer?
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  #1129 (permalink)  
Old 22-01-2025, 03:03 PM
Posts: n/a

how long does htx get back after first on-site interview? it has been radio silence since my last on-site interview 2 weeks ago. is it no hope time to move on already
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  #1130 (permalink)  
Old 22-01-2025, 04:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how long does htx get back after first on-site interview? it has been radio silence since my last on-site interview 2 weeks ago. is it no hope time to move on already
No news is bad news
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