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  #10950 (permalink)  
Old 28-03-2017, 08:50 PM
Posts: n/a

It is important not to jump to conclusion and throw judgement without finding out more.

My parents are well advanced in age (both above 90) and have been staying with us since they were in their 60s when my children were born. Their every need - food, medical care, outings, and the occasional holidays abroad were all taken care of by us.

Allowance at this point of their lives are symbolic. My parents at this advanced age need care, companionship and love more than anything else. The money we gave them go directly into ang pows for our children and their cousins (their other grand children) and great grand children during CNY, birthdays etc..

We have a full time maid just to care for them. We bring them out for whenever we go during weekends. My parents are thankfully healthy, but weak and tended to be absent minded.

I am very thankful that my wife accommodates my wish to have my parents stay with us, and that we have the financial means to see them through their old age. It is the least I could do after they brought me up, as well lended us a helping hand in bringing up our children.

You will understand only if you come to this stage of your life when you have to take care of your aged parents, their every needs, take care of their medical bills, have a maid to look after them, and so forth.
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