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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 13-07-2015, 09:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
And here comes the denial mode. People often don't like to listen to bad stuff don't they? Even if it is true.

Seriously take a moment to think logically. If there are no differentiating factors between Ivy leagues from local Unis, and from local Unis to part time degrees, why are people wasting time, money and effort to get into the best they can?
Naive to think getting a SIM degree = uni grad just like others from NUS/NTU/SMU, or overseas universities. Not to be discouraging but most places will consider SIM degree as in between a diploma and a local uni degree. Doesn't mean you can't find places that recognise you on the same level as local uni grads.

And like already mentioned, getting a degree doesn't mean you will get a free 1k pay raise at your current job. Time to polish up your resume and start applying for jobs right now. Waiting until a few weeks before your graduation is too late, most local uni grads start applying for jobs 1 year before graduation. Expect that you may be stuck in your current job for a few more months during the job application process as most of the time it takes 1-2 months to go through the interview process.
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