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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 25-05-2015, 11:37 PM
Posts: n/a

In CS a Senior Assistant Director is more or less guaranteed will reach before retirement for those with good local degree, which is not bad in terms of pay considering workload is relatively low.

Big4 if you cannot excel then will get stuck quite early, jump to corp finance also most people will end career as some local finance manager/controller. But the good thing about going Big 4 is it gives you chance to build your exp to become regional directors / cfos.

Depends on whether you want to gamble. Win you become cfo, lose then get stuck with lousy pay and long working hrs. IMO ppl like you that ask this kind of question better to go CS, this means your drive and hunger to go for the win is just not there. Better take a cushy job and get stable pay which can give you decent middle class lifestyle.
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