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Old 16-02-2015, 08:01 PM
aeipathy aeipathy is offline
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Default Advice needed: where to go with FCH?

Hi guys, thanks for reading this. Your advice is greatly appreciated!

A bit of background:
- Graduating next year
- Pretty much guaranteed a high FCH in NUS electrical engineering
- Second degree in economics, medium FCH range but not doing honours
- Holding university bondless scholarship

My main priority is getting a well-paying job, or at least one where salary increases in reasonable proportion to effort, because my family's finances are terrible.

This means that most EE jobs are already out except for those in oil (after the crisis?) and power, since I heard that it's an ageing sector. I asked EMA during a career fair and a director told me that the salaries start diverging significantly only after age 40. The defence sector is a backup plan.

I considered the public sector, but I'm not a PSC or ministry scholar so I anticipate that I would be passed up for promotion regardless of my efforts. I can try to remedy this by applying for the PSC Master's scholarship, but will need a backup in case this fails. (I applied for the PSC undergraduate once but failed; I expect to already be blackmarked.)

There's also the finance sector, but I made a fatal mistake in not going for any investment-related internship. Is this still salvageable, and does my second degree help at all? I would prefer a analytical role than sales too.

It's a good thing to have choices, but I want to learn to play my cards right. Once again, thank you for reading!

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