Anyone know what might be the starting pay for female, 24yrs, fresh grad with 1st class hons from recognised Oz uni, for the psychologist position. Does
MINDEF normally offer salary that is commensurate with experience + qualifications or will it be base don expected pay?
Also, I have to wait about 3 weeks to take my psychometrics test and I understand from reading other posts that the overall process is about 3-4 from application to job offer. Was just wondering if it is possible that if I manage to get through all rounds *cross fingers*, that the vacancies may already have all been filled up by then? I saw someone posted went for third round interview then told no more vacancy.
Finally, anyone knows the full process for psychologist position? after psychometric test, how many rounds of interviews + any written tests? what kind? before job offer.
Thanks in advance to any kind soul who can provide some advice!