Originally Posted by Unregistered
appreciate the advice, i think paying down our mortgage is the best option. once we finish paying, it will be ours and it becomes an asset. we can then rent it out when we reach 65, by then hdb rental would be at least $6k per month (in 30 years time) and we can retire in malaysia. i don't want to drive a taxi as this is a big insult for a highly educated degree holder. i rather retire in malaysia, thailand or even indonesia than to be seen by my senior executive peers driving a taxi. i will die out of shame.
wtf ? I was just like you, afraid of shame. However, whe ni was retrenched when I was 40. I was lucky enough to inherit a landed pty from my parents. Life is good now. No more office politics. I drive cab from 7am till 2-3pm. Objective is to cover cab cost + $20-50 bucks a day for living expenses.
FYI, am a degree holder with honors. Nothing to be ashamed of. Life is great. Renting out my
HDB flat for $3K/month.