Your combine income level is modest. Given the lack of information on your cashflow anyone would be hard pressed to provide you some proper advice.
Just a general review of your situation, you are about 35 now, once you paid up your flat you be about 60 or so? Given the current rules and your income private property investments are outside of your immediate reach? I believe you need to either pay up your
HDB first before you can buy another property.
Some on this forum will advise you to invest in stocks and what not, unless you're a guru or have a stable emotional mindset you have to decide if this is for you? One thing for sure many on this forum dish out advise on how to generate 5% or even 10% returns but no one can really provide in detail what is the right approach. Without this most of the information is garbage really.
If you're a hardworking and lead a simple lifestyle, my advice to you is to pay off your Mortgage loan sooner. 15 years if possible? This way you will be cleared by the time you hit 50 and perhaps can look to invest cash without risking you're home or maybe buy a 2nd home for investment. Or if (touch wood) you get retrenched you can at least drive a cab without stressing about lack of cash. You will be suprised how much you pay goes into interest just on that extra 10 years.
Alternatively you can retire in Malaysia which seems to be a popular subject, that's assuming Sharia law doesn't get imposed 20 years from now.
Get rich quick? Buy 4D, Toto very popular option too
Originally Posted by Unregistered
We are in our mid 30s, I earn $50k pa while spouse earns $60k pa. We live in a 5 room BTO HDB flat with mortgage of 25 years left. We don't own a car and take the bus to work. Need your advice on how to be rich. Thank you.