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  #3279 (permalink)  
Old 20-12-2013, 08:42 AM
Posts: n/a

I'm 50 and happily retired. My hard work in the corporate sector over the past 25 years has paid off. Instead of wasting my big salary and huge bonuses on gambling, women, etc, I invested in a global stocks portfolio. I have paid off my condo mortgage and car loan. Now I get a passive income of $80k pa. My wife, 40, is still working, earning $110k pa. Since we are debt free, we don't spend much, only $60k pa. We have also set aside an education fund for our two kids. I will also bequeath my multi-million dollar stocks portfolio to my kids when I die.

I spend my time managing my stocks portfolio, swimming in the condo pool and working out in the condo gym. I am now much more healthier, fitter, happier and has developed a six-pack abs. No more 16-hours work weeks, late nights and weekends working. My stress level and blood pressure have also gone down significantly. My advice to my younger ex-colleagues who are envious of my achievement is to work hard when they are still young, upgrade constantly (I have 2 Masters degrees) and don't gamble and womanize. Also learn to invest in stocks of good global companies.
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