Yes, do what ever job that gives you satisfaction as long as you earn honestly. Don't earn through the exploit of others, cheating, etc. Did you watch tonight's episode of "Hired and fired"? I cried when I watched it. I cursed those bosses and employers who exploit foreign workers to enrich themselves. These people will go to hellfire for sure. It is a shame that our country still have employers like that. We must step up our enforcement to prosecute errant employers. They should not only be fined but jailed and caned.
Originally Posted by Unregistered
Exactly. What this boils down to is "Different strokes for different folks."
Some people are happy with less. Some aren't happy with even a lot, and desire and crave more. Everybody has different priorities in life. As long as you don't harm others in your process of doing it, go ahead and do what makes you happy.
It's as simple as that.