guess i am the lowest paid in this thread. taking into my 13th and less than 1 mth PB, i would be earning 45000. i have a degree fr local uni and working in admin(education) sector but not in the management level though. i prefer a less-stressed job therefore its my own choice not to take up mgt role. but i do feel shortchanged despite the fact tat i have 12 yrs of working experience yet earning this amt only as an executive. now i am in the midlife crisis. want to change job yet feel companies will not pay me to do an executive job.
i started saving since my 1st temp job, at least 30% of my pay. never owe a car, which its a hardest decision yet mos right for me. coz i can use this $1.5k-$2k to buy shares to get yearly dividends. holidays wise, i travel within burget to neighbourhood countries wen i was single. i seldom travel anyway until i have a family.