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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 16-03-2013, 12:13 PM
Posts: n/a

There is a lot of truth in what you've mentioned, but I'm a little puzzled by what you'd mentioned about Senior Teachers and Curriculum/Subject Heads being 'service recognition nonsense'. Those posts are officially recognised as roles of higher responsibility by MOE, and officers serving in these positions will be able to be promoted to the SEO1 pay scale (as opposed to normal teachers who peak at GEO1A3).

(Subject Heads also often act as Reporting Officers for teachers, too.)

Senior Teachers do often get involved in coaching newer teachers, but that is really part of the job description and STs should be aware of this when they take up the role.

In fact, many officers who are on the leadership track choose to switch to becoming Senior Teachers if they find they would rather concentrate on teaching as opposed to department administration.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dude one word of advice - Teaching pte tution is very different from being MOE teacher. Do not join base on the fact you like giving tuition!

Being a MOE teacher is a government job of which teaching is just one of the many things you will be doing. Also if you want to move up to HOD level because of limited slot, expect fierce office politics and backstabbing. They do not promote the best teachers to be HOD, they promote the best politician who know how to play the game. HOD to VP level is 100% politics 0% teaching skills.

I know many good teachers who just want to teach get sidelined and forced into the "teaching" track instead of the "management" track. Once you in teaching track, it is game over for your corporate ladder. A teaching track has no real meaningful promotion, only service recognition nonsense like Senior Teacher or Subject/Curriculum head. These are fake titles as you will have no subordinates and still be doing all the grunt work till retirement. Some nasty HOD will even bully Senior Teacher into doing more OT by asking them to coach the younger ones.

There are now many teachers who after staying with MOE for many years then realise they have lost the game and no hope so move to pte tuition in their late 30s. Generally mid career teachers who move out have very little option as they have limited skill sets and corporate experience. 90% end up in the tuition or pte education line.
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