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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2012, 11:25 AM
maverickz2009 maverickz2009 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tracker View Post
One can survive easily many years without a stable income to survive, helps if your staying and living off your parents.

Try doing the same while supporting a family with children and families to give money too then what? Unless you have some large inheritance or am sitting on a ton of cash a stable job gives a stable income to support those dependent on you.

You might as well ask why people get married and exchange their freedom just to be obligated to their families, its just part of growing up isn't it?
"a stable job gives a stable income to support those dependent on you"?
Let's think harder, what if tomorrow or someday , no one wants to employ You anymore?
Who are You to blame? Blame the government , or blame Yourself for only know how to work under somebody forever, and job is only answer to earn money?

'Try doing the same while supporting a family with children and families to give money too then what?"
Now, think harder, what about if You were able to to build stable streams of income without having to work for people ( not mlm) and able to spend most of their time to see their children grow up and spend time with their family?

Think: If I am suddenly jobless, and no one wants me anymore, or I simply hate to work for people... how can I bring in the money? ( Not selling backside, not MlM).
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