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  #21381 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2025, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Nothing will reduce the cost of living in Singapore.

That's not how COL works at all. It doesn't matter if any of the things you listed change or didn't change. Prices will always go up, that's how it has been for the last 4-5 decades and how it's been for every 1st world country in the world.

It's literally one of the reasons why people say don't just save up cash, invest in stuffs etc because your 100k savings today will have it's spending powers reduced 10 years from now.

100k today isn't the same as 100k in 1980s, likewise it won't be the same in 2030, 2040, etc.
Bro you are partially wrong

There will be adjustment in terms of demand driven inflation

If you dont believe me you can read Tan Kin Lian’s facebook posting

“ Singapore has become too expensive in our cost of housing, cost of living and cost of doing business. We find it difficult to attract foreign investors to set up manufacturing in Singapore and provide good paying jobs.

Our local businesses find it difficult to export our products overseas as our business cost is too high.

The economic integration with Johor will help to reduce our housing cost, cost of doing business and cost of living.

The manufacturing operations in Singapore can reduce its costs by moving some operations to Johor.

Some workers from Singapore will live and we work in Johor and enjoy the lower cost of living. Although they may receive lower earnings, they may enjoy a better quality of life.

Overall, there will be more jobs for Singaporeans and Johoreans, as the special economic zone (SEZ) is likely to attract more foreign investments.

The prices of properties in Singapore will drop, as there will be more supply of properties in Johor and travel between the two territories becomes more convenient with shorter travel time and a smoother flow of people. ”

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