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  #21098 (permalink)  
Old 26-11-2024, 08:42 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What about KPMG Accounting Advisory Services? Anyone has any info on what they do, and their hours? Doesn't seem like accounting memos would have much demand
Not from KPMG but I’m familiar with Accounting Advisory in general.

As the name suggests, you are technical consultant to clients, advising them on classification and treatment of transactions - often this is before the transactions occur so it’s like only a proposed transaction. (After the transaction is over, the auditors will advise and pass adjustment if client do wrongly anyway)

Projects may include advice over:
- PPE Capitalise or Expense
- Financial Instruments : Debt or Equity
- Classification - FVPL or FVOCI
- Leases - modification of contracts
- Revenue - complex structure
- Business Combination
- Employee Stock Options

And there are some obscure and niche accounting standards you might not be familiar with from school. So always learning new things is the “fun” part of the job if you are a bit nerdy like me who likes reading standards.

You will work closely with the Deals Advisory team (eg client going for M&A, or raising funds), and the Tax team (many investment / fund related transactions will also have tax implications). You may also work closely with the financial instruments team if the client need to measure the fair value of the instruments.

External Accounting Memos are quite hard to write because you need to assume the reader doesn’t know any background at all (that’s why they paying you).

Not sure about KPMG but in smaller firms you may also support your firms auditor. That one is much easier because the auditors are more knowledgeable in general but annoying when they look for you very last minute and make you OT.

Hours are generally better than audit (no such nonsense as working to 3am) but you will feel very annoyed because projects are all ad-hoc. So you could be thinking it’s a chill week and making dinner plans, only to have new work come in and have to cancel cause you need to OT to 10pm.

Also the teams tend to be quite small, so any sudden resignations or MC will affect your workload and you may need to stagger leave with your colleagues.
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