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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #21815 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2024, 03:30 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
In a very strong practice, in a very strong firm

But assoc, 1 Pqe higher than me keeps scolding, how do ppl deal with this?

Partners are nice, and I’m hoping to have longevity here

Other assocs are fine too
Tough Luck lor. If you really want to stay must be thickskin a bit till you figure out how to avoid the scoldings and get on their good side or they themselves leave. Longevity is a lot about politics so bopian. What I did was take on a lot of work (overwork myself like siao) from the assocs that I liked so I don't have to deal with the "horrible" one in my team - win-win for me cause my billables remain high and I don't have to deal with that idiot also. In my team for 3.5 years now and that idiot is ontw out ))

But from what I have seen these kind of people generally see you as a threat to their own position. If it gets too much just leave and join an international firm if you can (since your team is so stronk). Having a horrible immediate superior just makes our hard job that much more unbearable.

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