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  #8574 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2024, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So what's the problem then? Be GP already can be rich. Why so hard up must specialize? Must do aesthetics?
Really depends on the person. Some people just get tired of doing exams after 5 years of MBBS, and they cannot handle the slog in public so they give up the dream of being a specialist.

Because aesthetics always pay better than GP work. You are looking at around 400k/year as an employed aesthetic doc in a big chain, with at least 6-7 years of experience. It’s a comfortable salary for those unwilling or unable to go through the training to be a specialist.

And you do high value, low volume work as an aesthetics doc. Some people just don’t like the grind of GP life. They prefer to attend less cases, while making double the income. That’s what aesthetics is about. Although you need to have the personality for it. It’s 50% skill and 50% sales, so you have to pander to demanding clients sometimes. It’s not like GP life where you can have a sulky face and people still come to you because they want the MC or flu medication
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