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  #7027 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2024, 08:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
thanks for explaining! fingers crossed offer comes soon. I think this role not sensitive so I didn't have to go through G50 screening. does admin clearance include reference checks? Also wondering if budget for the role is basically signed off by PS before formal offer, then means not much room for salary negotiation cos HR will need to submit again for PS approval to raise the offer?
i am able to base on my recollection whr my offer was retracted after PS submission (this was way aft the HR person show me the indicative offer number that I agree to before they proceed to seek PS blessings to formalise the posting only for the indicative offer to be retracted entirely).

morale of story is that G50 cleared doesn't equate to bao jiao durian scenario

u didn't have to go thrgh G50? so lucky?

to me the character reference checks would form part of the admin clearance process.
if there's any red flags raised, makes very sense for them to put up submission for PS approval because these fine little details sure will get picked up by PS level.
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