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  #8411 (permalink)  
Old 22-10-2024, 08:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Both are terrible options if you are already from a well to do family. Just do Law in Oxford and it’s a far superior option. Don’t need to waste time on specialisation and you can get your returns faster. Saying this as a dual MBBS/JD holder. I was in your shoes 15 years ago, and I could have chosen Law but I chose Medicine. Fast forward to today, I didn’t achieve anything remarkable in medicine except for being a long-time GP, which was the main reason why I decided to go back to Law school and become a lawyer. Now toiling in the firm as a junior lawyer in the 40s, while my peers who chose Law back then are the senior partners/my bosses..
It is astonishing how bad ur logical reasoning is despite being a lawyer. Almost feels as if u are trolling this thread. He clearly said he intends to become a specialist doctor and has both the resources and likely intelligence to do so. Sure a succesful lawyer will outearn a GP but a succesful lawyer and a succesful specialist doctor are pretty at par. You are right that he would earn the money later if studying medicine but since he’s well to do the few extra years of working to his goal won’t be that big a deal if he’s interested.

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