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  #20785 (permalink)  
Old 20-10-2024, 03:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
AI can do it cheaper faster more accurate
AI can replace neighbourhood doctors bro, telemedicine is so big now, robots can easily replicate

AI can also replace surgeons, more accurate, cheaper, faster
surgeons usually experience fatigue due to long hour at the operating table
but AI wont suffer the same fate.
Doctors wont be liable for and malpractice and wont be sued, they dont even need to go work anymore

AI will replace lawyers
imagine the database of knowledge and past cases they can tap into during trials
they can debate and argue 24/7 since they wont get tired
this will greatly reduce lawyer fees

Do you honestly think our government will let these careers vanish? and the whole world be replaced and be jobless? only students worry about this kind of things and end up studying AI, 3 years later everyone has an AI related degree and market is oversatuated so many of them will be jobless LOL

my poor AI students. supply and demand.
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