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  #8332 (permalink)  
Old 17-10-2024, 09:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This thread exploded with mummy1234 talk about her $3.4m landed valued at $4m!

I feel sorry for the young generation. Life is getting very hard because salaries are not rising in tandem with the increase in housing. I foresaw this 20 years ago. What I did not foresee was that it would be something happening globally. So now it is also difficult for my kids to own property even though they are not living in Singapore.

The only way is to be involved in finance and investments. Either working in it or investing.

Those of you who said need parents help are very right. It's come to a point you wonder whether working is even sensible at all. Better to spend time and energy on learning how to invest, work the markets, be a landlord, learn to prospect property deals etc.

Forget about medicine if you really are looking at becoming rich. Opening a clinic group and running the business is a possible way but has its barriers and risks as well.

Ideally, hope your parents are rich and have several Singapore properties.

Thats why i say medicine is for the average intellect
And phD is for the lowest intellect

Average intellect earns averagely of 500k for specialist and 300k on average for GP

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