Originally Posted by Unregistered
For those still in audit, they really need to gtfo asap before it's too late. companies are increasingly offshoring junior roles which don't need relevant experience so go get your inhouse experience asap before you're stuck in audit for life.
Forgot to add, this is genuine non-trolling advice. that is literally what is happening in the last 2 years where me and my friends are working at, the big MNCs where life is good and not Tan Ah Kow Pte Ltd sweatshop. the only roles kept in singapore are those requiring minimum 3 years of direct work experience because they need more than just "decent" talent. it's stupid how the news isn't reporting any of these but it's seriously happening in lots of companies now. who cares about dyson's low-paid blue collar jobs being retrenched when the seriously valuable white collar jobs are getting sent off to other countries? who wants to keep headcount in singapore when tax is high now and rent is even higher?