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  #20672 (permalink)  
Old 13-10-2024, 05:17 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This is the dumbest comments i've seen so far.
1. Nordic countries taxes are one of the highest in the world. In denmark for e.g. the tax rate us 60% of your income. And since you are a foreigner there is very little to none tax rebates which means you pay full.
2. Cost of living in nordic countries are high. If you think food in Singapore is expensive, wait till you see nordic countries food prices. They don't have hawker centers or the concept. They have street food but even that cost double our hawker centers. Most people just cook and brownbag to the office
3. Don't be fooled by the "you can go home at 4pm". Nordic people value getting work done instead of asking you what time you go home. In other words, if there are audit to complete, you will still be expected to pull all nighters to "get it done".
4. As a salaried foreigner you do not get to enjoy most of the benefits as a local. In fact refugees from arab and africa get more benefits than salaried foreigners
5. It is now very unsafe in nordic countries due to the mass influx of refugees and assylum seekers. I'm sure you are aware of the stabbing in the news. Walking alone at night is a no-no.
6. The culture, the food and customs are so different. While its great going there for a few months to a year, any longer and you will feel isolated. Nordic people are culturally very tribal. You will not fit in.
6. In SG, our culture is reinforced with beliefs that we should

A. Be hardworking as humans are only resources in SG
B. We need more population and more population to generate more productivity to sustain ageing population
C. Humans in SG need to work harder to maintain competitiveness over other ASEAN countries
D. Mental health is an issue but not a big issue
E. Foreign working population are a necessity and even if they displace locals, it is fine
F.Japanese are our role model when it comes to diligence

As a result, we are always surrounded by foreigners who always give impression of working hard. How do you want to survive in a society where your productivity output directly correlates to your value in life? Especially where the workers to your right and left can always put in 2x your effort?

Do you want to live with this psychological burden for your entire life lol

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