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  #20623 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2024, 12:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Let’s cut through the noise here. The problem isn’t the industry, the workload, or the competition. It’s you. If you are feeling stuck, it is because you have allowed yourself to be. No one owes you a living. No one’s responsible for your progress but you. If you are not where you want to be, it’s because you haven’t earned it.

You have been sitting around blaming everything under the sun for your situation, but the truth is, you have done this to yourself. Successful people face the same challenges like hell, probably worse but they don’t waste time complaining. They adapt, they improve, and they keep moving forward. If you are still in the same place, it’s because you have coasted, expecting something to magically change. It hasn’t, and it won’t. And that’s why you are stuck.

If your skills have fallen behind, that’s your fault. If you are feeling worthless, maybe it’s because you haven’t put in enough to be worth more. No one owes you respect or progression. You have to earn it. And clearly, you haven’t. That’s why you are stuck, not because of anyone else but yourself.

Whining about the system, your colleagues, or whatever else you want to blame won’t change the fact that you didn’t step up. Everyone deals with the same ****. You either take responsibility for your own growth, or you stay exactly where you are blaming everything else but yourself. Some handle it and rise above, while others like you just spiral deeper into frustration. You have let yourself become the latter. Simple as that.

No one owes you anything. If you want more out of your life and career, then you have to take it. No one’s going to feel sorry for you, and no one’s going to fix it for you. Either you take ownership and stop feeling sorry for yourself, or you keep spiralling down into irrelevance.

Your choice, but don’t expect anyone to care if you choose the wrong path.

i see your mouth moving and saying something, but i dont see any solution LOL
am i in church?
im past that stage
im just giving real advice to others not to get tricked into a dead end job
your welcome students

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