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  #7876 (permalink)  
Old 20-09-2024, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Your post makes so many assumptions that it dosent make any sense. An AC makes almsot as much as private GP at the age of 32, so only 2 years later than someone who serves the whole bond. A Private consultant makes easily 4-5 times more than a GP, even 5 years of work would be more than enough to retire extremely comfortably at age 45. Also don’t see how being an IMG would affect the process. Plenty of young consultants and doctors in private are IMGs
He is just trying to justify the financial 'incentive' of breaking bond
Tbh, U know I know la, if can make it, most don't break bond and would train in something, even public medicine.
I've seen some pretty driven folks who want to do gp business from the get go.
Even they stay around and do rotations in paediatrics, ops, gen med, a&E , derm etc to learn the ropes because year 1 or 2 break bond? What do these folks know man..don't even trust them to treat an urti.

Most of your bond breakers are jaded Mo who can't get into training, lost interest in doctoring etc and wants to do nothing to advance themselves but can't really find anything that readily pays them 200k a year. Break bond and become private gp lo.

Private specialist might not easily make 4 to 5 times a GP salary la
Ur rheumatologist where got 1 million salary? Ditto for quite a fair bit of medical specialist
Even ur non interventional cardiologist will struggle to rake in a million from consultation alone.
My neighbourhood got a cardio clinic in the HDB. I every morning walk by , clinic no one de while the gp clinic few shops away busting with people. I dun see how the cardio clinic can out earn the gp clinic.

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