Originally Posted by Unregistered
So begs the original question. Why is morale low like you mention in certain clusters, despite all the perks you have highlighted? Any why do so many still leave eventually (at most half of a batch remain in public 3-4 years post mmed)
I have seen some left to join a group rather than set up own clinic, some just become full time locum. I guess what's the pulling factor outside if all things seem rosy in public like you mentioned
Do U have the exact statistics to support your statement?
Also why do I have to answer your not yet validated question?
Even if validated , also not my responsibilty to reply you.
I'm just giving U my point of view.
Has it occur to you that it might be cause they got the flexibility to do so unlike other speciality?
The gastroenterologist or neurosurgeon might also want to leave..but leave to where?
So can only suck thumb and stay.