Originally Posted by Unregistered
Can I ask, according to you, life and pay sounds decent for mmed fm AC. Can I ask why are there so many seniors still leaving after mmed? To be fair, not many left immediately post mmed, but I would say after 3-4 years, at best 30-40% of the whole batch (less than half) remains in the public system.
U which cluster?
Certain cluster morale quite low so retention is always a problem
Pple leave for a variety of reasons
I also though of leaving just to try my hands at starting a clinic
But I'm making average 20k a mth, plus
cpf and annual leave , personal insurance and malpractice etc all of which oneself pay own self in my own practice
All in all, I give myself a value of 25k per mth or 300k a year
Assume i rent a place at 15k
Staff 8k
Fix cost already ( 15 +8) x12 = 276k
Plus my basic 300k already 576k
I think taking the plunge is not worth it unless I can earn say 1.5 times my current value.
Eg 450k.
Means revenue needs to be close to 700k
Add 100k for ulities , med , gloves , cleaning lady, IT
Annual revenue need 800k
Work polyclinic hours 8 to 5 v hard in such climate very hard la
Have to work evenings.
Now competition so much
Forces into nehr and healthier SG and part of PCN become a mini polyclinic anyway
Might as well stay right?
I don't see patient every day.
Got protected time
Got admin time
Got teaching time
Got meeting time
Got workgroup time
Sometimes go teach apn
Sometimes go teach lkc
Sometimes go teach
Sometimes go become gdfm or osce assessor
Got mc time. Sometimes take a mental health day because v long no clear mc
Got family care leave as well.
Got course to take few times a year
Recent wonca 2.5 days off work.