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  #1951 (permalink)  
Old 26-09-2012, 11:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am not a banker. But can you imagine a world without bankers or banks. And how do bankers destroy value? You need to learn more about economics.
We need more good banks, banks which are "good" in the traditional sense, banks that take depositors' money and lend it to businesses in need of financing.

We don't need banks that do money laundering, manipulate interest rates, do high-speed trading for their own profit, and create confusing and risky financial instruments that no one understands.

Some senior UK politician just said the following recently:

"Our leading banks are often anti-business especially anti-small business.

"They threw traditional relationship banking over the side and sold useless insurance and dodgy derivatives instead.

"Public anger at the greed and stupidity in this industry will continue for a long time.

"This is no time for the state to be stepping back. We need a new British business bank with a clean balance sheet and an ability to expand lending rapidly to the manufacturers, exporters and high growth companies that power our economy."

Vince Cable predicts no party will win an overall majority at the next election - Telegraph

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